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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/804

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And whereas, evil disposed and disloyal persons at sundry places have enticed and procured soldiers to desert and absent themselves from their regiments, thereby weakening the strength of the armies and prolonging the war, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and cruelly exposing the gallant and faithful soldiers remaining in the ranks to increased hardships and danger, I do therefore call upon all patriotic and faithful citizens to oppose and resist the aforementioned dangerous and treasonable crimes, and to aid in restoring to their regiments all soldiers absent without leave, and to assist in the execution of the act of congress for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes, and to support the proper authorities in the prosecution and punishment of offenders against said act, and in suppressing the insurrection and rebellion.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand.

Done at the city of Washington, this tenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-seventh.

Abraham Lincoln
By the President:
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

No. 2.

To all whom these presents may concern:

Whereas, for some time past, evil-disposed persons have crossed the borders of the United States, or entered their ports by sea from countries where they are tolerated, and have committed capital felonies against the property and life of American citizens, as well in the cities as in the rural districts of the country:

Now, therefore, in the name and by the authority of the President of the United States, I do hereby make known that a reward of one thousand dollars will be paid, at this Department, for the capture of each of such offenders upon his conviction by a civil or military tribunal, to whomsoever shall arrest and deliver such offenders into the custody of the civil or military authorities of the United States. And the like reward will be paid, upon the same terms, for the capture of any such persons so entering the United States, whose offences shall be committed subsequently to the publication of this notice.

A reward of five hundred dollars will be paid, upon conviction, for the arrest of any person who shall have aided and abetted offenders of the class before named within the territory of the United States.

Given under my hand, and the seal of the Department of State, at Washington, this fourth day of April, A. D. 1865.
[L. S.]

William H. Seward
Secretary of State.

No. 3.

Executive Chamber, Washington, April 29, 1865.

Being desirous to relieve all loyal citizens and well-disposed persons residing in insurrectionary states from unnecessary commercial restrictions, and to encourage them to return to peaceful pursuits,—
It is hereby ordered

I. That all restrictions upon internal, domestic, and coastwise commercial in within the lines of national military occupation; excepting only such restrictions as are imposed by acts of congress and regulations in pursuance thereof, prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and approved by the President; and excepting, also, from the effect of this order the following articles, contraband of war, to wit: Arms, ammunition, all articles from which ammunition is manufactured, gray uniforms and cloth, locomotives, cars, railroad iron, and