Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/855

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INDEX. $27 Legislative §·c. Expenses, (continued.) Legislative ·_§·c. Expenses continued.

£?°Zn%X?:£t'f;ig® &¢·,··· --1gg, féaales, wa.tchrn§n,messeug;rs, and 160

distribution of seeds,. .’ .155; 455 udezdlary to be increased above superintendent of seed-room,. ..155, 455 $1000, ., 160 plants and cuttings, ... .155, 455 late reporter of decisions to be allowed to behdapted to genera]. culti- salary, ... . ... 160 'vagnlngnf . ...155, additioualfclerks in office of commisexperxm ar n, . o sxoner o c to , .. 160 glaring ¢§¤d Ergschegéi 155.,156, testimony inns? bemglgen in investigating e or say- ,. .. . . . . . c aims te ts l d territories, government in, 156, 157, 456: 457 other pro);eriy81Y<;t?2;’¤cl, $$5; dh {lege ·Ar1zona, ... . . 157, 4§6 milita,i·y service,. . . 1. . .. 1150, 161 Colorado, 156, 4a>6 clerks and employees m office of ESSISP Dukota., . .156, 456 amt treasurer in New Orleans, ... 161 $:111;;, . . . .157, chief'] clerék may act as treasurer, on ana, w en c. . 161 Nebraska, ... 156, 45f certain clerlés in office of paymaster-gem Nevada, and state, 156, 456 eral may be transferred to office of New Mexwo, ...,. 156, 456 third auditor of treasury, . . . 161 `$7mhl,l_...t twlor additional appraisers authorized in as mg on, . o , ‘ ew ork, .. .. 161 Judiciary, ... . 157, 457 additional clerks . 161 office of Attorney-General,. . ._..1§7, 457 additional approisriations for inspectors Judges of supreme and drstnct of steumboats, .. 161 jug;:;!;;? Qtygrogi) 457 clerllr; m office of Secretary of the Treas- 161 of nasmct of commm, .. 158, 457 uccouédéé `é}é€{¤£J é§v§¤{¤§`£é'i»L` QE expenses of private land claims in justed, 458 Califomm, . _. . . .. 157, 457 before payment, Gwynn to assign right, reporter, . . ... 158, 457 &c., to the United States, ... 458 dramas zgttorneys and marshals, . Eg, roonns for the Attorney—General, ... 459 in epen ent treasury, . pubic lands in Nevada included in surdesignated depositaries and special _ véyiug district of California, . 460 agents, .. , . 158, 458 salaries of the assistant secretaries of the contingent expenses, ... 158, 458 executive departments, assistant attorno part, &c., to_be expended for ney-geherolaand postmasters-general, 4(QO · _ clerical serv1oes,z ... 158, 458 pay of certa.1nl1nspeutors of customs,. . . 460 additional clerks authorized at Bos- 457 no part of nppropxinatmu to be pard for ton, ... . .. constructive mi enge, for any extra increase of pay to messenger and session of congress, 460 watchman at St. Louis,. . . conditions to appropriation for Congresin ect0rs·0t' steamboats . . , 1 sion Globe . .. . . .. 460 exgnsesof treasury nodes, 158, 458; 459 proceedings to be published on day commissioners of direct taxes in insur- subsequent, ... . .- ... 460 reetionary districts, .. . . .11%% but notd more than forty columns 460 contin ent expenses, . . . enc ay . public buildings, repairs and care ot} 158,1 169, speeches ndt actually delivered, 460 459 deficiency, appropriation for 1865, .. 460 public grounds,  ; . . 158, 159, 459 third uuditofs office, .. 460 Presidenfs house, . 159, 459 stationery for fI.‘reasury Department,. . . 460 draw-keepers at bridges, ... 159, 459 labor and mmcellaneous for treasiugr 461 m bro ol‘t:m lice, ... 169 459 building and extension . 6 E pgy df} inggeased fifty per cent., 159: 469 collection, &c., of public revenue, .. ) 460 expense of,l10W apportioned and clerks in office of surveyor-general in 460 b . . ... 159, 459 California . Ofalghtherefor, . .159, 459 public groudds and bridges, ... 460 capitol police, 169 insane in army and nlagy; 8::.,. w rden of jail, . . . 159 new draw iu_na,vy-yur ri ge, . _. . . ogce of treasurer of the United States 159 clerks, &c., in bureau of military 2123- 461 reorganized, . .. 1ce, ... _ ... , oifacers and clerks employed,. . .159, 160 office of oommrssary-general, .. 460 assistant treasurer, ... 1o9 of paynlaster-general, . 461 cashier and assistant, . labor azud miscellaneous m War Depart- 461 h' f fd' ·'f `ss s, . men , . c le oi? redd;(£>'€io,n,f . .. 159 building corner F and 17th Streets, 461 of loans, .- . .. . 159 collection of revenue from customs, 461 of accounts, ... .. . 159 sick and disabled seamen, t 461 of national binis, . . . . payu¢;§`O£hy§i<6i;r;i_a for Indian reser- 461 ‘ ‘ - s ... s 1 , ... zlggrlgxcdpgsisgsnt t:?;:,? ... 160 armament, &o., of fortidmtione, ... 461 chief and other clerks, and laborers, 160 ordnmgxie department and servxce, . . appropriation for ... . 160 mmon armory, . twenty per cent. to he added to pay of gunpowder and lead, .. 461