Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/857

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. INDEX. 829 Liners, _ _ _ · Lummzs, horse and mule, when furmshcd m heu guardians of committees of] may act in ogémgmces, . . ... 20 District of gclumbia,. 18, 19 Loan. . amet ttb d’h &., 19 0f* $2%,000,000, authorized,. ... 18 grgvisig; T3 so (ga; oafuoiggegriz tlie cogéponfon registered bonds to be issued 13 L g3v3·nment hospmxl for the insane,. . 348 ere or ... n, vi , interest not to exceed six per cent., 18 yn pa ment tc, . 579 redeemable in not less than five, and Lyon, gmig A., payable in act more than forty pension to, .. 694 years, . ; ... 18 Lyons, .exemp¤_ from sure and municipal 18 salary of consul at, ... 139 axauon, .. principal and interest payable in coin,. .· 13 appropriation for expenses of, . . 13 M- five-twenty bonds may be issued to sub- Machinery, scribers, . .• ... 13 for navy, appropriation for, 81 of $400,000,000 authorized, ... .218-222 certain to be free of duty,. 216 Secreta6_;0 850 Trelasury may borrow Bax and hemp and steam agricultural, to $600 , , an issue bonds or treas- be imported free . .. 444 ury ootes therefor, .,.. . . 468 Mackerel Fishery, ’ bonds 30 be not less than $50, .. 468 certagnfiprovisions of law relating to the re eemable in not less than Eve nor co shery to apply tc, . 535 more than forty years, .. , 468 Madison, James, treasury notes convertible into bonds, . . 468 edition of five hundred copies of papers denominations, and when redeem- G8 M of, to be published, ,.. .. 573 able, .. 4 agazines, interest on bonds aud_trea.sury notes, 4 Mmfgpropriations, for naval, ... 83, 84, 465 when payable . 684198 principal sind iuiaerest payable in coin or approiariatgon ttoéist Solomon A¤drews’s 5 4 other lawful money, 468 new mo e o herring ... .. 7 interest in coin notto exceed six per cent., 468 Mail Mat{er, _ _ J not in coin, not to exceed 7 8-10th 468 certq;u§.rt1c1e?dqfd<;;;hing5uay be trans- 2 per cent, ... . ... rm te to so 1ers y ma. ,. .. bonds authorized by former act may be ra.te of postage and prepayment,. .. 2 issued in the form allowed by this act, 468 Mad Pouches or Bayes, any treasury notes or i_nterest-bearing of Marshal Smxtlfs patent may be bought obligations convertible into these 4 M _1 for postal servxce, . , . 574 bonds 68 az s nucl; bonds not to be part of this 4 aotgo pxgwgde for carrying between the 86 $500 000 000 . ... . . 68 nitc tutes an oreign pqrts, . bonds or 0éher,0bl{gat;ions, how may be vessels belonging to citizens of the disposed oi] · 468, 469 Umfed States to carry and dehver the 36 tre tes be is ed to for mai s .. . ... . .. x;;`;;;;;? an¢;T1);>plies,$`{ . 469 compeneation 00 be such us allowed by mode of proceeding in such case,. . . 469 law, ..,... 36 bonds and other obligations exempt from 469 upolkhcntrtys) 3f1yesse1,fmasrex· to make 36 taxation . . 08, as e wery o mm s, . penalties 0% former acts against counter- penalty for fauhng to make oath,. . . 36 feiting, &c., notes and bonds made ap- 469 coggracts for coxgeying by Panama or 36 plicable thereto ,.. . zoarogua ron ,._ .. . . . . no legal-tender notes authorized by this 469 hmxt to 9XPGD€l0;`ll'8,d. . . ... 36 t, . .. appor onmen , r m rean one I upzropriation for expenses of this act,. . 469 cmu ctgrogsrg no;;?? 51;; grunge}; . H8; 36 .otterieS, *0 _ S provisions of internal revenue act con- tween porys of the United States, 37 coming, ... 279, 472, 485, 486 appropmmon fo1·,and for such sernot legalized, . ... 279 vice can Pacific Coast,. . 37 Louisiana Postmaster- eneral mqy_ suspend ooeract aaxthorizing issue of patents for loca- atxon of law juthorxring cpnveymg tions in the Las Ormegas and La letters otherwise than m gnmlsif 37 Nana grants in 826 penalty for glecxng wor s“ mte not entitled to representation in electoral States mad, &c., on a coach or vessel college ... 567 not used to carry the mml, .. 37 Lovell's Island. for advertising such coach or vessel, 37 sewwall on, ... . .. 854 one half of Hne to go to person in- 7 Loyal Masters forming end prpsecqungg 3 to have certificate and bounty fox- dmfsed 11 coror 1531 be no dxsqualxficzmon for carry- 515 slaves, IDS. e, . . compensation for services of their slaves Maz? Serwce, _ . · who volunteer,. . ‘. .. 11 M J.§propr;.qu<Z9:;:vfor the, ... 29, 30, 425 Lucgfer Matches a'- Imms gp we, duty upon; and provisions of revenue with Chma. md Jgpun,...h: . Z . 430 law concerning, - ..,.,. 482, 483 See Ocean Maul-Sloams ep Servwe. v01.. xm. PUB.- 70