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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/707

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TREATY WITI·I THE SHOSHONEES AND BANNACKS. JULY 3, 1868. 675 game may be found thereon, and so long as peace subsists among the whites and Indians on the borders of the hunting districts. Anrrcmr V. The United States agrees that the agent for said Indians Agents resishall in the future make his home at the agency building on the Sho- <l°¤¤°·°m¤¤» shonee reservation, but shall direct and supervise affairs on the Bannack rd dau"' reservation ; and shall keep an office open at all times for the purpose of prompt and diligent inquiry into such matters of complaint by and against the Indians as may be presented for investigation under the provisions of their treaty stipulations, as also for the faithful discharge of other duties enjoined bylaw. In all cases of depredation on person or property he shall cause the evidence to be taken in writing and forwarded, together with his finding, to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, whose decision shall be binding on the parties to this treaty. Aarrcrm VI. If any individual belonging to said tribes of Indians, or Heads cumlegally incorporated with them, being the head of a family, shall desire iiiés mey ¤¤1¢¢t to commence farming, he shall have the privilege to select, in the pres- f°' fm"` ence and with the assistance of the agent then in charge, a tract of land within the reservation of his tribe, not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres in extent, which tract so selected, certified, and recorded in the “ land book," as herein directed, shall cease to be held in common, but the same may be occupied and held in the exclusive possession of the person selecting it, and of his family, so long as he or they may continue to cultivate it. Any person over eighteen years of age, not being the head of a family, othm may may in like manner select and cause to be certified to him or her, for pur- ¤°l§?*¤!¤d M poses of cultivation, a quantity of land not exceeding eighty acres in ex- °° wm°°' tent, and thereupon be entitled to the exclusi ve possession of the same as above described. For each tract of land so selected a certificate, containing a description thereof; and the name of the person selecting it, with a certificate endorsed thereon that the same has been recorded, shall be delivered to the party entitled to it by the agent, after the same shall have been recorded by him in a book to be kept in his office subject to inspection, which said hook shall he known as the "Shoshonee (eastern band) and Bannack Land Book." The President may at any time order a survey of these reservations, Surveys. and when so surveyed Congress shall provide for protecting the rights of the Indian settlers in these improvements, and may fix the character of' the title held by each. The United States may pass such laws on the Aitsmuomnq subject of alienation and descent of property as between Indians, and on d¤€¤°¤* <>¤`P¤`<>P· all subjects connected with the government of the Indians on said reserva- °r y' tions, and the internal police thereof; as may be thought proper. Anriomz VII. In order to insure the civilization of the tribes enter- Education. ing into this treaty, the necessity of education is admitted, especially of' such of them as are or may be settled on said agricultural reservations, and they therefore pledge themselves to compel their children, male Children to and female, between the ages of six and sixteen years, to attend school; °“°“d’°h°°l· and it is hereby made the duty of the agent for said Indians to see that this stipulation is strictly complied with; and the United States agrees that Schoolhouses for every thirty children between said ages who can be induced or com- Md °°’#°h°'*· pelled to attend school, a house shall be provided and a teacher competent to teach the elementary branches of an English education shall he furnished, who will reside among said Indians and faithfully discharge his or her duties as a teacher. The provisions of this article to continue for twenty years. Anricmc VIII. When the head of a family or lodge shall have Qeeds and Selected lands and received his certificate as above directed, and the agent iilggfeffggfl shall be satisfied that he intends in good faith to commence cultivating the soil for a living, he shall be entitled to receive seeds and agricultural implements for the first year, in value one hundred dollars, and for each