CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. JULY 4, 1868. 679 Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Jlkxico, for the Adjustment of Olaims; Uoncluded July 4, 1868 ; Proclaimed February 1, 1869. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: July 4, 1868- A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a. convention between the United States of America and the P¤°¤mbl°· republic of Mexico, providing for the adjustment of the claims of citizens of either country against the other, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the iburth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- eight, which convention. being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Wliereas it is desirable to main- Considerando que es conveniente tain and increase the friendly feel- mantener y ensanchar los sentiings between the United States and mientos amistosos entre la repriblica the Mexican republic, and so to Mexicana y los Estados Unidos, y strengthen the system and prin- atianzar asi el sistema y principios ciples of republican government de gobierno republicano en el conon the American continent; and tinente Americano; yconsiderando whereas since the signature of the que con posterioridad a la celebratreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, of the cion del tratado de Guadalupe Hi- 2d of February, 1848, claims and dalgo, de 2 de Febrero de 1848, ciu- Vol. ix. p. 922. complaints have been made by citi- dadanos de la reptiblica Mexicana. zens of the United States, on account han hecho reclamaciones y presenof injuries to their persons and their tado quejas, con motivo de peijuicios property by authorities of that re- sufridos en sus personas 6 sus propublic, and similar claims and com- piedades, por autoridades de los plaints have been made on account Estados Unidos, y reclamaciones y of injuries to the persons and prop- quejas semejantes se han hecho y erty of Mexican citizens by authori— presentado con motivo de perjuities of the United States, the Presi- cios sufridos por ciudadanos de los _ dent of the United States of America Estados Unidos, en sus personas 6 ag‘?;*"”°*‘”! and the President of the Mexican sus propiedades por autoridades P 1 ` republic have resolved to conclude de la republica Mexicanayel Presiaconvention for the adjustment of dente de los Estados Unidos de the said claims and complaints, and América han determinado concluir have named as their plenipotentia- una convencion para el arreglo de ries,—the President of the United dichas reclamaciones y quejas, y States, William H. Seward, Secre- han nombrado sus plenipotencia— tary of State; and the President of rios; e1 Presidente de la republica the Mexican republic, Matias Ro- Mexicana a Matias Romero acrediinero, accredited as envoy extraor- tado como enviaclo extraordinario dinary and minister plenipotentiary y ministro plenipotenciario de la of the Mexican republic to the Unit- reptiblica Mexicana en los Estados ed States; who, after having com- Unidos; y el Presidente de los Esmunicated to each other their re- tad0s Unidos, 6. William H. Sewspective fu.ll powers, found in good ard, Secretario de Estado, quienes and due form, have agreed to the despues de haberse mostrado sus following articles: respectivos plenos poderes y encontradolos en buena y debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes:
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