692 CONVENTION WITH ENGLAND AND IRELAND. JULY 28, 1868 &g)°¤’l l6*i¢¤‘¤. Arvrronn V. Dead letters, newspapers, &c. which cannot be delivered ` from whatever cause shall be mutually returned, without charge, monthly, or as frequently as the regulations of the respective offices will permit. P¢¢¤il<¤d f¢z¤- ARTICLE VI. The two offices may, by mutual consent, make such dem‘°"" tailed regulations as shall be found necessary to carry out the objects of this arrangement, such regulations to terminate at any time on a reasonable notice by either office. Convention, Anrrcnm VII. This convention shall come into operation on the first ggggemnaawow day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and shall ,0 t,.,,.,,},,,,,,, be terminable at any time on a notice by either office of six months. Signature. Done in duplicate and signed in Washington on the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in London on the fourteenth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- eight. g[sm.u..] ALEX. W. RANDALL, Postmaster- General. [san,.] MONTROSE, Approval. V Postmaster- General of the United IGngd0m. I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be adixed. [sean.] ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: Wxnmlm H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. Wssnmoron, July 28, 1868.
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