698 APPENDIX. Congress may,from. time to time, ordain and establish, and the aforesaid judicial power is declared to extend to all cases in law and equity arising under the Constitution, the laws of the United States, and the treaties which shall be made under their authority; And whereas all officers, civil and military, are bound by oath that they will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; And whereas all officers of the army and navy of the United States, in accepting their commissions under the laws of Congress and the rules and articles of war? incur an obligation to obsefrve, obey, and follow such directions as the shall rom time to time receive rom the President or the General, or other superior officers set over them, according to the rules and discipline of war; And whereas it is rovided b law that whenever, b reason of unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assiembl es of persons, or Iiebellion against the authority of the Government of the Ihnited States, it shall became impracticabie, in the judgment of the President of the United States, to enforce, by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, the laws of the United States within any State 0;] Ter;`·it0lry,1the Executiye in that case is authorized and required to secure their emit u execution y the employment of the land and naval forces; And whereas impediments and obstructions, serious in their character, have recently been interposed in the States of North Carolina and South Carolina, hiindteyringdaréd prevengng for a tilme a proper enforcement there of the laws of t e nite tutes, an of tie ju gments an ecrees of a lawful court thereof} in disregard of the command of the President of the United States ; And whereas reasonable and well-founded a rehensions exist that such illadvised and unlawful roeeedin s may be a airinaittempted there or elsewhere: Au persons Now, therefore, I, Xrumnw Ilouusorr, gresident of the United States, do "*‘_¤`¤°<i¥¤bZ**¤¤¤* hereby warn all persons against obstructing or hindering in any manner g£;;:’t‘;;';‘%;i’° whatsoever the faithful execution of the Constitution and the laws; and I do and m,j0im,d' solemnly enjoin and command all officers of the Government, civil and military, ob dienco to, to render due submission and obedience to said laws, and to the judvments and the constitution decrees of the courts of the United States, and to give all the gd in their 'md *h" i""’*· power necessary to the prompt enforcement and execution of such laws, decrees, judgments, and processes. Oiiicers of ur- Aml I do hereby enjoin upon the ofheers of the army and navy to assist and mY_¤¤={ MVV to sustain the_c0urts and Other civil authorities of the United States in a. faithful $$=**{tF*"*k:¤“‘ administration of the laws thereof, and in the judgments, decrees, mandates, m" '°s' °` and processes of the courts of the United States; and I call upon all good and well-disposed citizens of the United States to remember that upon the said Constitution and laws, and upon the judgments, decrees, and processes of the courts made in accordance with the same, depend the protection of the lives, liberty, property, and happiness of the people. And I exhort them everywhere to testify their devotion to their country, their pride in its prosperity and greatness, and their determination to uphold its free institutions by a. hearty co·oper·— ation m the eilbrts of the Government to sustain the authority of the law, to ms3nt;un the supreinaley of the Is`e}iera.l Constitution, and to preserve unimpmre them e rit o the natnona mon. In testimonyg wlierecf, I have caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed to these presents, and sign the same with my hand. [ Donlc at theh city elf Walsbirngtgncéhe third day of September, in the year L. s. one t ousnn eng t uu an sixty-seven. B th Pr d t ANDREW JOHNSON. y e esi en : Wxmum H. Smwnm, Secretary of State.
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