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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/732

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700 APPENDIX. always, could only tend to hinder reconciliation among the people and national restoration, while it must seriously embmjrass, obstruct, and repress popula: energies and national industry anti epterprxse; · And whereas, for these reasons, xt 18 now deemed essential to the public_wel— flu-e, and to the more (perfect restoration of constitutional law and order, that the said lash-mentione proclamation, so as aforesaid issued on the twenty-ninth day of May, anno Domini one thousagnd eight gundred and sixty-Eve, should be modified, and that the full and bene cent par on conceded thereby should be opened and further extended to a. large number of the persons who, by its F H d atbresaid exceptions, havekbeen bithertp included fipm cxecutige clemency: ¤ PM °¤ Now, therefore be it uown that , NDREW 0H14s0N resident of the °::§:£:d;;’tg:_ United States, do hereby proclaim and declare that the Full perdon described in pmngism, the said proclamation of the twenty-ninth day of May, anno Domini one Hm rgbgllignv thousand eight hundred and sixt:y—five, shall henceforth be opened goffered] ¤nd_r¤st¢>rn¤i¤n and extended to all persons who, directly or indirectly, participate in the gc"’8m* °X°°P*» Imc rebellion, with the restoration of all privileges, immunities, and rights of ' roperty except as to property with regard to slaves, and except in cases of legal proeeedings under the laws of the United States; but upon this condition, nevertheless: that every such person who shall seek to avail himself of this proclamation sllall take and subscribe the fol1qwing_0a!;h, and aha,11 cause the seme to be registered for_ permanent preservation, m the same manner and vgth the same legect 1}sLY1t;h the path psescrébtid in the said proclamation of t et.wenty·ui¤t ayo ay,onet. thousand cig tz undred and sixty-(ive, namely: Oath who “I, —-—— T-—-,do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) in presence of Almighty

  • ·°k°¤· Gofl, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect, and defend the Constitutnpn of the United States, and the Union of the States thereunder; and that

I_wnll, m_1¤ke manner, abide by apd ihitzhfully support all laws and proclamatmns vyluup have been made during the late rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves: S0 help me God." P¤¤‘¤¤¤¤ 6x- The following persons, and no others, are excluded from the benefits of this

 fg3b proclamation, and of the said proclamation of the twenty-ninth day of May,

pmcmmmom 0n%thouse1pd eight hundred and sixty-five, namely: irst. he chief or pretended chief executive officers, including the President, the Vice-Pmsident, and all Heads of Departments of the pretended Confederate or Reeel Government, and all who were agents thereof in foreign States and countries, and all who held, or pretended to hold, in the service of the said pi-egepclefj Confederate Govefnuneipn, a nplitatpy ran:: or {pitle above the grade 0 nga: ner-general, or nava ran cr the 6. cve hint 0 C3 b in and all who yew or p¤ieLe_¤€Qe¢i to bolGoveynmp of: Stptcs, gvlple muintaigisgxaiding, abebmgé or su mx ting to am acqpzescnng m t ne re e ion. cond. All persons who m any way treated otherwise than as lawful ris~ oqers of war persons who in aply capacity were employed or engaged irfthe mxhbery or naval service of the nited States. .Thn-d. A\l_ poisons who, at phe dine they may seek to obtain the benefits of this proulamzmon. are actpally m civil, military, or naval confinement or custodyg or legally held yo bad, either befbye or after conviction, and all pe]-sons w o were engaged d1rectly_or indirectly m the assassination of the late President of the United States, or m any plot or conspiracy in any manner therewith connccte . _ In testimony whereof, I have signed these presents with my hahd, and have caused the sca! the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the city of Washington, the seventh day of September, in the car [SEAL'] of our Lord one thousanjd eigtut hundred and sixty-seven, and ogthe Independence of the United btates of America, the ninet ·sec0nd. B th P d E ANDREW JSHNSON. y c rem eu : Wxnnmm H. Smwlum, Secretary of State.