APPENDIX. 703 United States, do, by virtue of the Constitution and in the name of the people extended to all of the United States, hereby proclaim and declare, unconditionally and without P"S°¤$ °¤· reservation, to all and to every person who directly or indirectly participated g°g°d in tlm in the late insurrection or rebellion, excepting such person or persons as may iizgessgégkf be under presentment or indictment in any court of the United States having diotment for competent jurisdiction, upon a. charge of treason or other felony, a full pardon treason 01* felony and amnesty for the oitence of treason against the United States, or of adhering “X°€pt°d· to their enemies during the late civil war, with restoration of all rights of propgrty, except as to Slaves, and except also as to any property of which any person may have been legally divested under the laws of the United States. In testimony whereof I have signed these presents with my hand, and have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the city of ¥Vashington, the fourth day of July, in the year of our [SEAL] Lord one thousand·eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Inde- ’ pendence of the United States of America the ninety-third. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. No. 7.- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: July 11, 186€· A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by an act of Congress, entitled "An act to admit the States of Preamble. North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, to 1868: <>l¤· 7Q· i 3- representation in Congress," passed on the twenty-fifth day of June, one thou- Amev p' '4‘ sand eight hundred and sixty-eight, it is declared that it is made the duty of the President, within ten days after receiving official information of the ratification by the legislature of either of said States of a proposed amendment to the Constitution known as article fourteen, to issue a proclamation announcing that fact; _And whereas the said act seems to be prospective ; And whereas a paper purporting to be a resolution of the legislature of Flor- Florida. ida, adopting the amendment of the thirteenth and fourteenth articles of the Constitution of the United States, was received at the Department of State on the sixteenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, prior to the passage of the act of Congress referred to, which paper is attested by the names of Horatio Jenkins, J r., as President pro tem. of the Senate, and W. W. Moore, as Speaker of the Assembly, and of William L. Apthoop, as Secretary of the Senate, and William Forsyth Bynum, as clerk of the Assembly, and which paper was transmitted to the Secretary of State in a letter dated Executive Oihce, Tallahassee, Florida, June tenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, from Harrison Reed, who therein signs himself governor; And whereas on the sixth day of July one thousand eight hundred and sixty- North Gm-0. eight, a paper was received by the President, which paper being addressed to lina. the President bears date of the fourth day of July, one thousand eipght hundred and sixty-eight, and was transmitted by and under the name of W. V. Holden, who therein writes himself Governor of the State of North Carolina, which paper certifies that the said proposed amendment, known as article fourteen, did pass the Senate and House of Representatives of the General Assembly of North Carolina, on the second day of July instant, and is attested by the names of John H. Boner, or Bower, as Secretary of the House of Representatives, and T. A. Byrnes, as Secretary of the Senate; and its ratification on the iourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, is attested by Tod R. Caldwell, as Lieutenant-Governor, President of Senate, and Jo. W. Holden as Speaker House of Representatives ; _ Now, therefore, be it known that I, Auomcw JOHNsoN, President of the }r0um~0n;n United States of America, in compliance with and execution of the act of Uou- znnendment to gress aforesaid, do issue this proclamation announcing the fact of the rat1iica— tion of the said amendment by the legislature of the State of North Carolina, Cammmy ‘ in the manner hcreinbefore set forth. _ In testimony whereof I have signed these presents with my hand, and have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto aflixed.
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