708 APPENDIX. No. 12. July 27, 1868. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. WHEREAS, by an act of Congress entitled "An actto admit the States of l8Ef»fh· 7%:168- North Carolinal South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama., and Florida, to "°· p' ‘ representation m Congress}' passed the twenty-fifth day of June, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, it is declared that it is made the duty of the President within ten days after receiving o{l'l<:i:1l information of the ratification by the legislature of either of said States of a proposed amendment to the Constitution known as article fourteen, to issue 2. proclamation announcing that fact; and whereas 2. paper was received at the Department of State, this twenty-seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eigbt, purportinvr to be a joint resolution of the Senate ond House of Representa- Georgia. tives of tie General Assembly of the State of Georgia, rat1fying the said proposed amendment, and also purporting to have passed the two said Houses respectively on the twenty-first of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixtywight, and to have been opprowted by Rnfus B. Bullock, who therein signs himself Governor of Georgia, which paper IS also attested by the signatures of Benjamin Conley, as President of the Sonata, and R. L. MclVhorters, as Speaker of the House of Representatives, and is further attested by the signatures of A. E. Marshall, as Secretary of the Senate, and M. A. Hardin, as Clerk of the House of Representatives: Fourteenth Now, tlicreforc, be it known that I, ANDREW JoHNs0N, President of the umondmentto United States of Arnerica, irncomplinnce with and eicecution of the act of ¢h¢ ;=<>¤S¤¢¤t¤0¤ Congress before mentioned, no issue this my proclamation announcing the fact Emlefl bY of the ratification of the smd amendment by the legislature of the State of °°rgm’ Georgia in the manner hereinbefore set forth. In testimony whereof I have signed these presents with my hand, and have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto aflixed. Donc at the city of Wasliington, this twenty-seventh day of July, in the year [SEM J of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the " Independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. ANDREW} JOHNSON. By tho President: Wmmnm Il. SmwAm>, Secretary of Staie. No. 13. WILTATAM H. SEWARD, July 28, 1868. SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES, T0 ALL TO WIIOM THESE PRESENTS MAY COME, GREETINGZ Preamble. IVVHEREAS by an act of Congress passed on the twentieth of April, one 1919, eb. 80, § 2. thousand ciglit hundred end eiglitooxi, entitled, “An not to provide for the V°l· *¤· P· 439- publication of the laws of tho United States and for other purposes," it is dcclzmred that whenever oflioial notice shall have been received at the Department of State that any amendment which heretofore has been and hereafter may be proposed to tlxc Constitution of the United States has been adopted according to the provisions of tho Constitution, it shall be the duty of the said Secretary of State forthwith to cause the said amendment to be published in the news— papers smthorizccl to promulgate the laws, with his certificate, specifying the States bx which the sztmc may have been adopted, and that the same has becomc vnlul to all intents and mr 0s0s as a. art of the Constitution of the l P P United States. VOL xiv_ p 858 And whereas the Congress of the United States, on or about the sixteenth day of Juno, ono thousand eight hundred and sixtysix, submitted to the legislatures of the soverul Stntesa proposed amendment to the Constitution in the 0 owing worn s, to wit:
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