710 APPENDIX. vada, New Ham hire, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Maine, Iowa, Arkansas, Florida, North Caroiifna, Alabama, South Carolina, and Louisiana, being three fourths and more of the several States of the Union, have ratified the fourteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, duly proposed by two thirds of each House of the Thirty-ninth Congress; therefore, “Resoloed by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring,) That said fourteenth article is hereby declared to be a part of the Constitution of the United States, and it shall be duly promulgated as such by the Secretary of State. “ Attest: GEO. C. GORHAM, Sccretmy. "IN THE Hovsm or REPRESENTATIVES, July 21, 1868. “ Resolved, That the House of Representatives concur in the foregoing c0n— current resolution of the Senate ‘deelaring the ratification of the fourteenth article of amendment of the Constitution of the United States.' “ Attest: EDWD. MCPHERSON, Clerk." And whereas official notice has been received at the Department of State that the legislatures of the several States next hereinafter named have, at the times respectively herein mentioned, taken the proceedings hereinafter recited upon or in relation to the ratification of the said proposed amendment, called article fourteenth, nmnely : The legislature of Connecticut ratified the amendment June 30th, 1866; the legislature of New Hampshire ratified it July 7th, 1866; the legislature of Tennessee ratified it July 19th, 1866; the legislature of New Jersey ratified it September 11th, 1866, and the legislature of the same State passed a resolution in April, 1868, to withdraw its consent to it; the legislature of Oregon ratified it September 19th, 1866; the legislature of Texas rejected it November 1st, 1866; the legislature of Vermont ratified it on or previous to November 9th, 1866; the legislature of Georgia rejected it November13th, 1866, and the legislature of the same State ratified it July 21st, 1868; the legislature of North Carolina rejected it December 4th, 1866, and the legislature of the same State ratified it July 4th, 1868; the legislature of South Carolina rejected it December 20th, 1866, and the legislature of the same State ratified it July 9th, 1868; the legislature of Virginia rejected it January 9th, 1867; the lwrislature of Kentucky rejected it January 10th, 1867; the legislature of New fork ratified it January 10th, 1867; the legislature of Ohio ratitied it January 11th, 1867, and the legislature of the same State passed a resolution in January, 1868, to withdraw its consent to it; the l islature of Illinois ratified it January 15th, 1867; the legislature of West Virginia ratified it January 16th, 1867; the legislature of Kansas ratified it January 18th, 1867; the legislature of Maine ratified it January 19th, 1867; the legislature of Nevada ratified it January 22d, 1867; the legislature of Missouri ratified it on or previous to January 26th, 1867; the legislature of Indiana ratified it January 29th, 1867; the legislature of Minnesota ratified it February lst, 1867; the legislature of Rhode Island ratified it February 7th, 1867 ; the legislature of Delaware rejected it February 7th, 1867; the legislature of Wisconsin ratified it February 13th, 1867; the legislature of Pennsylvania ratified it February 13th, 1867 ; the legislature of ichigan ratified it February 15th, 1867; the legislature of Massachusetts ratified it March 20th, 1867; the legislature of Maryland rejected it March 23d, 1867; the legislature of Nebraska ratified it J uno 15th, 1867; the legislature of Iowa ratified it April 3d, 1868; the legislature of Arkansas ratified it April 6th, 1868; the legislature of Florida ratified it June 9th, 1868 ; the legislature of Louisiana ratified it July 9th, 1868 ; and the legislature of Alabama ratified it July 13th, 1868. Fourteenth Now, therefore, be it known that I, WILLIAM H. Snwium, Secretary of &:*’°({*£;;*5;‘E5° State of the United States, in execution of the aforesaid act, and of the aforecaguhod m‘b°°" said concurrent resolution of the 21st of July, 1868, and in conformance thereto, ,,,0,,,,,,;, ,,,,4 da, do hereby direct the said proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United elarsd valid. States to be published in the newspapers authorized to promulgate the laws of the United States, and I do hereby certify that the said proposed amendment has been adopted in the manner hereinbefore mentioned by the States specified in the said concurrent resolution, namely, the States of Connecticut, New Hampshire, Tennessee, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, New York, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia, Kansas, Maine, Nevada, Missouri, Indiana, Minnesota,
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