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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/751

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INDEX. 719 AssignmentsA lums and Has _`tals of claims of qerjwiu wlored Soldiers, sail- Sy appropriatiaiiis for, at Washington ..., 802 grsaarad mar-int-g not to be recognized 26 léiebinond ... 302 _ y is ursing officer . ic s n .. . 802 Assmabomes, _ to be diseontiiiued after the close of the ‘appropr1ations for the . 199 present fiscal year . . .. , .. 308 Asszstunt Assessors, Internal Revenue, Asglums, National. See National Asylums. appropriations for .. _ 99, 290 provisions respecting, . ,,,.,,__, _ _ , ,250, 25] to preserve notice of registration of each Atchison, Topeka, and Santa H:' R. R. Ce. still, &.c.. soc up ... ._ .. r. . . . 126 may purchase of the Pottawatomie Into close distillery on receiving notice of diane their unallotted lands, except, suspension of work, report to assessor, &c . .. \ 535 &c . 4 .. _ 184 conditions and terms of purchase and to remove fastemngs, locks, &.c. upon _ payment ... 535, 586 notice to resume work ... · . I34, 135 Atkinson, Mary, to keep record of tobacco manufaetories, pension to ... 359 {tame of owner, and abstract of month- Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, y returns .. 154 rc rts oi, when and with whom to to bmaked personal examinations of to- Killed 79 acco ea ers' stock on hand. 155 Atlantic Coast, to keepfbooks, name, place, &c. of each I6 Al appnopniutions for survey of . H2, 302 manu ucturer o cigars . .. 1 tactic Joe t, to keep record of each cigar maker .. 161 government warehouses on, in Brooklyn, to examine stock of cigar manufactur- New York, may be sold at auction 7 ers . . .. 161 Secretary of Treasury may execute deed. 7 Assistant Atfornr·y·General, Atlantic Iron Works, ottiee of, abolished 75 payment to . .. 379 Assistant Attorneys- General, Atlantic, The Steamship, appropriation for pay 0: . .. l 77, 300 A lien upon, ;0 be enforced .. 345 appointmento two authorize . . 75 ttorne - enera , their term of office and salary .. 75 apgpropriutions for payof, for assistants and their duties as to suits, &c. in the court of clerks, and for office of. .109, 173, 300, 301 claims ... 75, 76 to approve title, &e. of land in Long Isl- Assistant Librarian ry` the House, and in Boston harbor before it is taken provision respecting the pay of . 256 possession of by the United States... . 7 Assistant Messertqets, to approve title to Ruggles property pay oi, established in the executive or ju- near New York Navy-yard ... 29 dicial departments .. 287 to assent to compromises, &c. of suits un· Assistant Pos·tmaszers— General, der internal revenue law . . 60, 166 appro riatiou for pay of ..,... . . 105, 297 and assistants to attend to prosecution and Assistant .S€c»~etarie~: ty"Lqqation, defence of suits in the court of claims appropriations for salaries of . 56, 319 on behalf of the United States ... 75 not to receive salaries while absent to call on heads of departments for inforfrom post, if} Cnc. . . . . .56, 321 mation in certain cases ... . .. 76 Assistant Secretaries of State, duty of heads of departments in such 76 appropriations for .. 96, 287 cases. . Assistiiiit bpecretaries of the Treasury, assistants and clerks authorized. ... 75, 76 appro rintions for .. 97, 287 expense of legal assistance to Z . 101 Assistant geerezaty of Navy, law authorizing to employ counsel to and appropriations for the . 103 district attorneys, repealed .. _ . 2 94 Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to report at next December session of appropriations for pay of 99, 291 Congress, the number of desks, clerks, Asszslaut Solicitor, &c. in his department ... 80l of court of claims, office of, abolished. 75 Auctioneers, _ Assistant Supermtendenls ey" Blank Agenc}/» sales by, of liquors, exempt from eertnm 0f Post-Oftice Department, appointment, penalties. .. . . . . 144 &c. ot'; authorized ... 196 Auditor of Treasury_/`or Post-Ojilcc Department, Assistant Trensurerof the United States, A dappro}n·i1nti;`ns for .. 98, 289 a ropriations for .. 98, 289 u ztcrs o the reasury, Assistgiit Treasurer.; of the United States, appropriations for . .97, 98, 173, 288, 290 in New York and San Francisco, to pay Augusta Arsenal, Ga., duplicate cheeks upon notice . 43 A app;/opmntions for .. . . . . . . . .66, 317 appropriations for the. . . .·. . . .`. .107, 108, 209 very, 1 tam, _ pp fdr additional salaries for. . 107 may select one hundred and sixty acres no increase above what is allowed by of land 497 existing law l07, 209 salaries of clerks, &e. at Boston, not to V A telrccfed gpropiiation . ... 299 . g_ Stor, i iam ., appointed regent of the Smithsonian Insti- Bcuhss _ tution . 246 of their army oorps, officers and soldiers Asylum, Mditatjq. See Military Asylum. may wear, on occasions of ceremony,. 261 appropriation for rebuilding at Togus, Baker, Jacob S., ¤0¤rAugusta,Me. .. . ...`ll1 pension to. ... ... 454