722 INDEX. Bonds, Bounty, Additional, _ _ city of Washington may issue not over to certain enlisted soldiers, may be paid S 800,000 to pay its rlonting debt .. 226 to their heirs, if, &.c . 37 Commercial Navigation Company may actin relation to ,. 334 issue . . . -.. . 230 Boynton, Rev. Charles B., amount, and when pnynble . 230 may draw amount appropriated to pany- prineipul and interest, payable in coin 230 ment of chaplain of the House .. . . 353 to be registered at Post-Otlice Depart- Branch Mint, _ ment. . . . .. . 230 appropriations for, at Carson City. . .114, 299 Postmaster-General to apply moneys Charlotte. ... . 107, 298 · earned for ostages tc pay the in- Denver .. . . ... l07, 298 terest of the bonds, and balance New Orleans . .. . . . . . . .107, 298, 299 for sinking fund 230 San Francisco ._. . JOB, 298, 299 when sinking fund equals principal, at San Franeiseo, appropriation for eeninterest howto be paid, und pos- struction of 306 tages how applied. . . . ... 230 at Carson City, appropriation 'for me- Book Binding, chinery at . . . ... . . . 31 5 for departments and bureaus, except, &c. Brandy ji·om Grapes, Peaches, or App/es, to be done at government office .. . 120 tux on .. 125 Bocthbqy, Maine, distillers 0iQ may be exempted from other made u port of delivery . .. . 63 taxes, &e ... 125 Boston, Brazil, site, &c. to be purchased for building for appropriations for_mnil Steamship service .sul»-treasury and post oflieo at 250 between the United States and . 55, IT5, loeniion of powder magazines in the vi- 323 cinity of ... . 25l, 252 Breakivaler, salaries of clerks und messengers in office at Portland, Me., appropriation for . . 252 of ussistnnt treasurer ut, not to exceed Brevet, the appropriation .. . 299 repeal of provision ns to rnnk of ... . 28i appropriation for lnyiug foundation for commissions by, when and for whar to be uilding for post-ofiicc and sub·treus· conferred, and to bear what dmc .. 28l ur nt... . . 305 BrczvdRank, Bosion Ilolirbor, not to entitle nn officer to precedence or Seerctzrry of Watt may tnkc possession of eommnnd except by special nssigntnenf pnrt of" Long Islunil in, for inilimry of the President .. ... 3lS purposes .. . 7 such assignment not to entitle to Attorney-General to approve the title 7 additional pay or allowances . 3lS commission upon the erection of bridge in 256 Brewer, Jllnjor A. L., Botanical lhmlen, credit to be allowed in the neeonnts of. .. 429 appropriations for .. 95, I72, 286, 309 Breuwm, how to be expended ... . .. . 309 not required to pay special mx as whole- Boulzyny, John E., sale liquor dealers ... . .- . 151 uct for relicfof heirs of, suspended .. 353 Bridle, Boundary Lino-, connecting Rock Island with cities of between the United States and part of Rock Island und Davenport . 317 British possessions, uppropriuiions For across the Ernst River, lnetween New York commission to run uml mark . 310 and Brooklyn, when eompleted, to be :1 Bountlca, lawful structure and tt post-roml . . .336, 337 for colored soldiers and snilors,nppropri:1- how to be built ... 337 tions for .., 302 plans to be submitted to Secretary of given to ccrtuin troops of Mi<souri ns to War ._ . 337 volunteers . 256 Seer<·tm·y of War, if he npprores the additional clerks uuthorized to lheiliiuto plun maynoiityrompnuy, whonnty payment of ,. t . 43 then build bridge . ... 337 clerk iuny sign ecrtiiieiues and papers bridge not to be built until plnn is upfbr scrouui auditor und comptroller. . . . 4t proved . . ... 337 dupliente cheeks for, muy be puid by. &c. 43 cbnnges of plan to be approved ... , . 337 B appropriation for clerks for pnyment of. . 64 net nurliorizing, may he altered or rcounty, euled . 337 resolution in reference to the payment, &e. ovgr the Ohio River nom Cincinnati to oh due to certain colored soldiers, sail- Newport, consent of Congress given to ors, sind mnrines .. .26, 27 the erection of .. 347, 348 uct in relniion to ndditionnl 334 howto be constructed . 348 disclturge by "cxpirution of term of when completed, tobc a legal strucservien" to entitle to bounty 834 ture und n post—roud .. . . 348 widow. minor children, or parents of any assent of Congress, may: be withdrawn. . . 348 soldier who has died nfter nn lionoruhlo across t.he Connecticut River. .. 272 discharge Hllly mevive the additional Southern Minnesota R. R. Co. muy build bounty 334 across the Mississippi nt Lacrosse, Wisclnims for udditiomtl bounty, after May cousin ... t. 37 1, 1869, to be adjusted and settled by made xt post·route . 37 whom . ... . 334 may be built across the Black river in claims for, to be void, unless presented Lornin County, Ohio. . . . 82 prior to December l, 1869 ... 334 dmw,&c . . ... 82
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