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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/756

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7 24 INDEX. Busteed, Richard, Jr., Capitol Building, (continued.) _ ' payment to . . 351 appropriation for improving public Butler, Elizabeth, grounds and streets about the .. . 13 B widow of Cvrus Butler, pension to. . . . . 368 appropriations igier outsmndipg liabilities. 172 uller, Roderick R. no part to pai umi accounts are i of Tennessee: political disabilities re- fully examined ... Z . 172 moved from 360 alterations, additions, and repmrs of, to be form of oath `to be token by 360 made under the direction of the urchitcct of tho Ca itol extension ... 13, 284 · ¥ O C Ol Etobe pmd rom what appropriations 284 ° apit `xtensian Cairo and Fulton Railroads of appropriation; for repairing and tiuishing 115, time for completing rst section cx- 306 tended ... . .. . . ’ 349 no improvements, Svc. to be made except Calapooias, ugdcr direction of supervising architect 115 appropriations for the . .200, 218 Capitol rourads Calgffamia, _ _ pppngprmuons for 117, 309 posh-roads established m 45, 188, 327 Capitol P ace, selection of uvrieulturnl colleve lands b . 68 n ro riation for compensation of addi- _ rmi u ion t rcon. ions: rcu one an priva e 0 e aul"tt'¤he H y 68 pg pll't nt dt fth oflioe of surveyor-general of, &c.101, 115, 292, thorized ... . . 12 306 pattern for uniform to be selected. ;. 12 surveys oiipublic lands in. . . r Z . 2 .116, 306 uniforms to be furnished each member oi) appropriation for Indian hostilities in. . . 170 how, and nt what price .. 12 not to be paid, except, &c ... 175 belts, arms, &c. to be furnished . 12 n ro riutions for Indian service in.l99, 219, deflcienc · :1 ro riution for .. . . 60 pp p 221 b y fp? fp ’ hthown n'for ‘ mem ers o , o urms err u i ms district court ot, to have jurisdiction of after Juno 30, 1869 . 94 offences under act establishing the appropriations for.  : . . .94, 284 C Alaska collection district. . . · . . 241 Bintlp whlgt fpnds to be paid . 284 amzron Lajlryellc, Capote an of le ndians, O porjionéo children ofe . . . . 390 treaty with the, 0§]lM;rch 2, 1868. .. 619 amp, me ., See e ndians. title of the United States to certain land Capper, Carrie C., in Missouri, released to .. 377 land granted to .. . 503 Camp Chase, Captured and {loandaned Property, . the barracks, &c. ut, to be turned over to remedy giving in certain cases of seizure national asylum for disabled volunteer under the act relating to, by preferring C soldiprg . . . .. .. 21 cluim in the court of claims, to be exampeau n raw ., clusive . 243, 244 ccrtdin locations and purchases of land provision os to suits, under said act . 244 by, confirmed. . . . . . 462 money received from sales of, to be paid Canada, into the treasury, with interest if, &c. .. 251 consular officers of the United States ip, refusing or neglecting to pay over not do charge tonnage fees on certain 322 spch money to be deemed embezvesso s ‘ z ement . .. 251 tofreceirc foreign moneys for olli¤·ie.l appropriation of part oi' proceeds of, ecs at usuu rates ... 322 to eiend suits, &c .. 251 no tonnage or clearance fcesno be charged Captures, oln certiiin vespels, except for the tirct by Admiral F1u·ragut's tlcet, ant in reluc caring in cnc i your 322 tion to 336 Canada Leng 1V0a1s, _ vessels belonging to the ilcct in May, 1862, to be included in “Clnss 2, Comhing to be entitled to the benefits of the prize 0 wools ". . . . . . . . 21 laws .. 336 anmm, what rourts to have jurisdirtion 336 no purt of appropriation for ordnance ser- slmres awarded to be puid out of the vice to be npphcd eo the purchase of treasury of the United States 336 C _;iew . . . . 66, 317 Carmichael, Peter,bM., apaci y, n lowunce to e made to, in settlement of producing, of distillery, return oi] to be accounts .. 433 not loss than eigrhty per cont . 134 Carney, Matilda, of disullerzy prescribed, how determined. 129 pension to . ... . .. 448 Capehart, Ulzar es E., Carpets, O pnlyment to... ... . . . . 358 for pither house of Congress, to be purapn a uses, c msed onl how 284 not providing for the execution of judg- Carroll, Julia, y ments of death in courts of the United pension to. . . 422 _ States . 338 Carson City, Uapzlul Qpimces, _ _ appropriation for brunch mint at 114 xndicgmonts forfcertmg, to be found with- 183 C Amr msachinery for brunch mint at . .. 315 in ve years rom, e. ... arson rs. `usan, Capitol Building, _ pension to, and for her minor children., . 443 rules and regulations made to sccure tho, Carl: and Tools, from defacemeut, &c . . .. 12 appropriations for. 309