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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/758

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726 INDEX. Cherokees, Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company new roll or census to be made of tha may select their lands along full extent of North Carolina or Eastern ... 228 original route of railroad from Fon du payments to be made to, upon this roll. . . 228 _ Lac.: . . ._ . . .. .. . ... 307 commissioner of Indian atiairs to super- Olucugo Umversuy, vise ... . ... 228 customs duty remitted on certain meridi- Chester, an circles imported ter. . 464 Pennsylvania, made a port of delivery.. . 10 Chickasaw Indians. See Choctaw and Chickasurveyor at, appointment, residence, and saw Indians. salary of ., . 10 act for relief of friendly . . . . 177, 178 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Tribe of Imlians, Uhickasuws, ' treaty with the, of October 28, 1861 593 claim oC against the United States, to be peace and friendship to he preserved . 593 _ examined . ._ ... . 223 offenders among the whites to be arrested Chzqf Clerk in Q§ice ry" Sevguznhu/-Arm.:, and punished ... 593 _ of the_ house, salary ot, established .. 264 among the Indians to he given up to Chuf Engineer, the United States, or, &c . 593 urisropriations for office oil . 103, 294, 295 mics for ascertaining damages .. 594 Chee/` *'ngmur of the Army, reservation, boundaries 594 to direct expenditure of the money apwho not to reside thereon, &.c .. 594 proprinted to be expended under the reservation to be enlarged ii, &e 594 direction of the commissioner of pubbuilclings to be constructed . .,.. 594 _ lie lwnildings ... 9 agent to make his home and reside where Chtof Mustczan, his duties are ... 594 one to be enlisted in each regiment. 318 heads of litmilies desiring to commence duties, pay and aiiowances of . .. 318 farming may select land:, &e . 595 Chir;/` of Dl.UtSl'07l of Dead Le/ter O_p‘ir:e, etfeet of sueh selection, &e . 595 apprppriation for pay of . . . 314 persons not honda of llnniiies may select (Ihiqf ry" ngmeers, lands . . 595 may employ certain civil engineers to eertilicate of selection to be delivered, make surveys, &c. of certain western &c ... I . ... 595 and northwestern rivers .. 28 to be recorded 595 their compensation .. s .. 28 survey to be made 595 Chi:f<y" Ordnunce, alienation and descent of property . . 595 appropriations for ohiee of ..103, 294, 295 children between six and sixteen to u.t— C'hi¢ and Headmen tend school .. . . 595 of the Sissiton, &c. Sioux Indians may schooihouses and toacliera . . 595 adopt and enforce laws, under sanction duty 0i' agent . . . t 595 of Indian agent, to secure lite and propseeds and agricultural implements to be erty, advance civilization, &e . 510 furnished to whom ..,. . . 595 Chien Pierre, instruction in iiirming to be given ... 595 payment to, for friendly services to the physician, htrmer, Sue. may bu withdrawn, Crow Indians . , 207 &c. and additional appropriation made China, in such case 596 mail steamship scrviee between the United articles in lieu of money and annuities States und, to be improved and extendto be given 596 cd, it} &c . 30, 31 annual appropriation of money lor thirty appropriations for steamsliip service beyeam. . . . .. 596 tween Sun Francisco, Japan, and. . .55, 323 army officer to be present at delivery of Ohippewas, goods . . 596 appropriations for the .. 200, 204, 211 census to be taken annually . . .. 596 removal of scattering bands ol} in Minnelands outside of reservation relinquished som, to reservation near White Earth to the United States ... . 506 Lake .. _ .. . . 204 right to hunt. reserved . 596 money and rations to be given .. 204 limit made in white settlements . 596 mill at Red Luke ., . .. 204 express agreements us to ruilromls. . 596 Chippewus of the Alississippi, wagon trains, couches, &e .. 596 Qppropriation to pay expenses of delegawhite women and children . 597 tion of 8 white men. . . .. ... 597 Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, railroads and other roads .. 591 net flu- the relief of friendly . 177, 178 damages to their reservation ... 597 compromise and agreements with, adopted 177 military posts and roads., . 597 amount agreed upon to be paid out 0f eession of reservation not to be valid, un- funds held in trust for them .. 177 less, &c ... . 597 bonds, &e. held in trust for, may be sold physician, &e. to be furnished by the it} &c .. 178 United States ... . .. 597 but not for less than par ... 178 annual presents to he made lor most val- payments to be made to whom . 178 uablc crops 597 certain powers of attorney to he held reservation to be permanent home, &c. . . 597 invalid 178 Cfteyezmes, bonds of Indiana, not to be sold 178 appropriations for the .. . . . 200 Ohnctaws, Chicago and ..Vur!hw¤stern I·?ailwa_q Co., appropriations for the . 205 potent to issue io, for eighty acres of claim ot", against the United States, to he Fort Howard military reserve 252 examined . . 223