978 INDEX. Cardwell, Wz'llz'am, Cayuses, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 appropriations for the . . . . . 184, 458 Carey, George, Caywood, en jamin, claim ot', allowed by commissioner; , _ 759 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 ga,-ey, R,·C;,a,·d, Cemeternes, National Military. See National claim or] allowed by commissioners . . 759 C""""“"$"· cw,],, Lewis, superintendents on to be selected from damages awarded to, by commissioners whml ‘’’ 135 of claims _ _ _ _ · ’ _ · • l 693 their pay, quarters, and fuel . . . 135 OM ile Pleasant all honorably discharged soldiers and -9 ’ ’ . . sailors, who die in a destitute corr dHl’Il8.g€8 awarded 60, by COIIIIIIISSIOIIBTI dition ma be buried in 202 605 °f claims ‘'’'‘‘ 693 appropriatiods for establishinv mains Carlin. Andrew W· F·. taining ... ° .129 260 545 dame3Q swsrdsd i»°» by °°mml$$l0¤€!'¤ provision as to head-stones in . . l J ., 545 of clmms · • · · · · · · · • 694 Cemetery Association. See Cannon, Qc. 6'arondelet versus the United States, of San Francisco, Cal., condemned cancourt of claims may hear and determine non and cannon-balls for ...,, 2 the suit of . . . . 621, 622 Cemetery near the City ty Medea, Carpenter, Benjamin D., to be properly maintained and cared damages awarded to, by commissioners for ... 124, 602 of claims . ... . . 694 subject to rules . . . 602 Carpenter, Benjamin T., Cemetery, Protestant, damages awarded to, by commissioners appropriation to improve, &c., at Malaga, 124 of claims .. 694 for care of American, in City of Carpenter, lllary F., Mexico . 124 damages awarded to, by commissioners Census, of claims .. 695 of the Miami Indians to be taken . . . 632 Carpenter, Zllarp F., Census, the Ninth, claim of, a lowed by commissioners . . 758 part of appropriation for, may be used Carpenter, Mrs. M H., the current year 9 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 compensation heretofore allowed to mar- Carrigan, P. M., shals for taking, to be exclusive of claim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 746 mileage , . . 9 Carson, Alvin B., appropriation for increased compensation claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 to assistant marshals .. 12 Carson City, Nevada, deficiency appropriation for . 405 appropriation for branch mint at, made Census Ofice, ` subject to present use .. 9 certain clerks in the, may be promoted . 8 appropriations for branch mint; at, 72, 124, 498, appropriation for increased salaries of 8 531 no increase in whole number of clerks in, 8 Carson, I]. M., certain clerkships to terminate . . . 8 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 Census-takers <y‘" 1860, Carson, John, payment to be made to . . . . . . 528 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 Centennial Board of Finance, Cartage, C'onstraotv've, corporation created by this name . 203,204 not to be paid for . . . . 122 powers, &c. . 203 Case, William, · corporators of, from the several claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 States and territories . . 204-209 Casey, James F., capital stock and certificates . . . 209 credit to be allowed, in settlement of ac- who may take .. 209 counts ... 722 each share entitled to vote . . 209 Casey, John BL, ‘ proxies . 209 homestead application ot] declared valid, 656 proceeds of sales of 209 Casks, books of subscription to be opened, customs duty on, from August 1, 1872 . 281 &c. .. . 209 Cate, Joseph, directors, number, meetings, quorum . 209 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 president and other officers . 209, 210 Cate, Nancy, to prepare grounds thr the exhibition claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 and erect buildings . .. 210 Catheart, Annie R., admission fees, &c ... 210 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 may issue bonds secured by mortgage . 210 Cathron and Mavqztlre, certificates of stock to be prepared . . 210 compromise offered by, to be accepted . 653 penalty for counterfeiting 210 Catholic Orplmn Asylum, no State law to be interfered with . 210 at Charleston, S. C., appropriation for no personal liability of members . 210 rebuilding .. 6 when exhibition is closed, corporation to Cavalier, Louis, close up its affairs ... 211 claim of estate ot} allowed by commis- power and duty of the United States, sioners . . . . . . . 749 centennial commission in respect to Cavalier, Louis, Jr., this corporation .. 209, 211 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 749 Centennial International Exhibition, Cave, Wl/lis, to be held in Philadelphia in 1876, act; claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 relative to 203-211
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