xxxiv LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. j Page ' He H. Stafford late receiver of public mone s { ”‘"" 5.i"£‘1£‘Ze.,m‘£§£‘;f‘“‘.‘Z1.£“.?é‘.$2?€'}‘2'... 3 . 1 .. . . .’. ..0 ; Joseph Dawson. An act for the relief of Joseph Dawson. March S, 1873, ch. 864 . 770 William Johnson. An act for the relief of William Johnson, of Ripley County, Indiana,. E March 3, 1878, ch. 365 ... 770 S Joseph Qgwood. An act for the relief of Joseph L. _Heywood and others. March 3, 1873, 770 l c . ... . .. , Peter J. Burchell. An act for the relief of Peter J. Burcheil. March 3, 1873, ch. 367 . 771 William Marvin. An set to connrm to William Marvin the title to seven thousand acre of land in the State of Florida. March 8, 1873, ch. 368 . . . . . . f.J.h . P. 771 ' r.Mar A.]?. rowu,wiowo on . Mm. Jgrdwjn, 1;1eB;;:letu1f;·I1;(fhf;rl111§;dhS€u1;sl(1e;ationya.1; the Ottoman Porte. Much 3, 1873, ch. 369 . . 772 Elizabeth Zluham. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Zlnhnn. March 3, 1873, ch. 870 . . . 772 Orudle J. Jennings. An act for the relief of Orville J. Jennings. March 3, 1873, ch. 371 . . 772 F. W. Fee. An act for the relief of F. W. Fee, late lieutenant of the first Kentucky infantry volunteers. March 8, 1873, ch. 372 .. 772 B. F. Speedy. An act for the relief of B. F. Speedy, late Hrsb lieutenant second battalion six months' Pennsylvania volunteers. March 8, 1873, ch. 878 . . . . . . 773 P. W. Standmr. An act for the relief of P. W. Standefer. March 3, 1873, ch. 374 . . . . 773 J. W. Holliday. An act for the relief of.]. W. Holliday. March 8, 1873, ch. 375 . .. . 773 William E. Ward. An act for the relief of William E. Ward. March 3, 1873, ch. 376 . . . 773 John L. Bullard. An act for the relief of John L. Bullard. March 8, 1873, ch. 377 774 William Bayne. An oct for the rélief of William Bayne, trustee, Svc. March 3, 1873, ch. 878, 774 Anna E. Pcalc. An not for the relief of Anna. E. Peale. March 8, 1873, ch. 379 . 774 Aaron B. Fvyrear. An act for the relief of Aaron B. Fryrear. March 8, 1873, ch. 880 . . . 77* Josiah 1|Ion·is and.}'. F. Johnson. An act for the` relief of Josiah Morris and J. F. Johnson. March 3, 1873, ch. 881 . . . 775 Captain Charles Mc Clure. An acts for the relief of Captain Charles McClure. March 8, 1873, ch. 382 775 Hugh McCormick. An act for the relief of Hugh McCormick. March 3, 1878, ch. 383 . . . 775 Unity Welch. An act granting n pension to Unity Welch, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. March 8, 1873, ch. 384 . . . 775 Margaret L. Bybcc. An act restoring to the pension rolls the name of Margaret L. Bybee. March 3, 1873, ch. 885 ... 776 W2`lIiawn B. Lflh/. An not granting n. pension to William B. Lilly. March 3, 1878, ch. 386 . . 776 Anderson W. Scott. An act granting a. pension to Anderson W. Scott. March 3, 1873, eh. 887 . 775 James McKean. An act; granting A pension to James McKean. March 8, 1873, ch. 888 . . 776 Ann Wood:. An not granting n pension to Ann Woods. March 3, 1873, ch. 389 . 776 James P. Rader. An not granting u pension to James I’. Rader. Maron 3, 1873, ch. 390 . . 776 Mary Mullins. An act granting rn pension to Mary Mullins. March 3, 1878, ch. 391 . . . 777 Mrs. Am: MZ Wood. An acs granting a pension to Mrs. Ann M. Wood, widow of Robert C. Wood, late assistant surgeon-general of the United States army, and daughter of Zachary Taylor, lute President of the United States. March 3, 1873, ch. 392 . . 777 Ann Ilmsley. An net grnnting n pension to Ann Hensley. Merch 3, 1873, ch. 393 777 Ellen Collins. An nel; granting s. pension to Ellen Collins. Merch 3, 1873, ch. 894 777 Durant T. Hunt. An not granting :1 pension to Durant T. Hunt. March 3, 1873, ch. 395 . . 777 Harper Smith. An not granting a. pension to Harper Smith. March 3, 1873, ch. 396 . . . 777 Antoine Broam. An not granting u pension to Antoine Brossa. March 3, 1873, ch. 397 . . . 778 Mary E. Foster. An not granting n pension to Mary E. Foster. March 3, 1878, ch. 398 . . 778 Job S. (lay An not granting a. pension to Job S. Gon`. March 3, 1878, ch. 399 . 778 James A. Sanders. An ucc granting a. pension to J emes A. Sanders. March 3, 1873, ch. 400 . 778 Edward Tucker. An acl; granting a. pension to Edward Tucker. March 8, 1873, ch. 401 . . 778 Ivory F. Snow. An act granting a. pension to Ivory_ F. Snow. March 3, 1878, cb. 402 . . . 778 Cordelia C. Doughcvvy. A11 act granting a pension to Cordelia. C. Dougherty. March 3, 1878, ch. 403 . . z .. . . ... . . 779 Nancy Goddard. An act granting :1 pension to Nancy Goddard. March 3, 1878, eh. 404 . . 779 Robert S. Dumont. An act granting increase of pension to Robert S. Dumont. March 3, 1878, eh. 405 . 779 Henry Riemann. An not granting a. pension to Henry Riemann. March 3, 1878, ch. 406 . . 779
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