10 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 21. 1871. _ Pey °*`P¤¤‘¤<>¤¤ July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making gp. ' ?“‘Pl°Y°‘l lll *h° ·'f dr civil cx enses of the government for the year cud. insurrectionary Pr°Puau°“B_°1: Sun y P States in con- mg June thirueth, exghtecn hundred and seventy-one, and for other purg$‘;’;’;_“"g;_“’° poses," be, and hereby ere, extended so es mclude such persons os were ` pmmmf; in actually employed m the States lately m msurrectnon, m connecuon with 1867. the Treasury Department, as 0$cers of the United States during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven in connection with the revenues Appropriation- of the government; and an amount sufhcient to carry out the provision; of this section, not exceeding Efteen thousand ldollars, is hereby appro- · riated out of an mone in the treasur not otherwise appropriated. Arapahoe, P Sec. 13. Thathhe following sum, or go much thereof as may be necesg£Y§*;:°- Aa!?:; sary, for subsistence, for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hun. U0,{,m,,;:?in_ dred and seventy-two, of the Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Apache, Kiowa, and diane. Comanche Indians who have been collected and located upon the reserva- 58¥flé9§Y‘ pp' tion set apart for their use and occupation by the treaties made with them _ in eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, two hundred thousand dollars. Survey of SEO. 14. That the commissioner of the general land office is hereby
l’fI‘;‘;‘;;h authorized to approve the survey of the eastern boundary of Nevada,
by Isaac E. made by Isaac E. James, notwithstanding any departure from instruc- {gg1s;, gliey N tions whéch, in the orpnupn of said commissioner, does not materially ’ impair the accuracy o the work. rmsiegesor Sec. 15. That the privileges of the act entitled “An act to reduce ine,<=tl187Q,¤h·ggz, ternal taxes, and for other purposes," approved July fourteenth, eighteen 2,‘Q`§QgK§;,d u; hundred and seventy, be, andare hereby, extended to the port of Detroit, Detroit. in ghe State rc}? Michigan. Bononde set- icc. 16. hat any bona-fide settler under the homestead or re—em - H::c;‘?g$'%l;:_ tion laws of the United States who has filed the proper appligation E0 hwsymhohgh enter not to exceed one quarter-section of the public lands in any district
- ¤g
- _p¢2r;t¤;in;;gi¤- land office, and who has been subsequently appointed a register or receiver,
pogfmyhm rnay_ perfect the title to the sand land under the pre-emption laws by furtitle. mshing the proofs and making the payments required by law, to the satisfaction of the commissioner oi' the general land office. mrowm ofcer- Seo. 17. That from and after the passage of this act all powers conm_;“:t?;;*`::,‘éf;l°“‘ ierred upop certipin pepsonp figs commissioners by abc act approved June 4;,;,,;,, washing. wen y- irs , eng teen un r an sevent , for the im rovement of M }::;°l2·t¢?£L;¤¤¤¤— Street northwest, smd·by the act approved Jliily fifteenth, eighteen hundred bwd of-Puma and eevengy, forhthumpropement of the Washington City canal, shall be works. trans erre to the a o public works of the District of Columbia; v£7&v?l’bl*i·9• and the persons acting as commissioners under said acts are hereby directed to transfer to said board of public works all books, papers, and other property lin their possession pertaining to the works under their Mingus: p;>p· charge; and prlvate property shall be assessed for the improvement of M auf6d_ Street, and Seventh Street southwest, from B Street to the river, heretofore guthpriped gy law, as provide-23 ip the act of February twenty-first. eighteen 1870 0h_Q9g_ 5_ un re an sevent -0ne. n in case said board shall under said act of Vohlxvi. p. alle. July fifteenth, eightelen hundred and seventy, decide toopen said canal, they Provision as are hereby empowered to open both its branches, so as to connect with the gqwmhmgmn government canal at the arsenal: Provided, That the cost of said work City canal. shall not exceed the amount already fixed by law for that purpose. p,,,,,,,,‘,,,§,,f· That the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nellleipglygvunia. oegsary, is hereby appropriatedfor the purpose of repairing and relaying, Ama to gt ere neclessstry, the pavement on Pennsylvania Avenue from Fifteenth bo pm bscxgnm · ree to t o east s1de of Rock creek: Provided, That a like sum shall be mmm oi. G0_ expended for the same purpose by the proper authorities of the District of iurwtaaif Columbia: And promded jhrrher, That the Washington and Georgetown md 'éztxlgglyn Railroad Compeny shall m like manner repair such portion there0l` 38 R_ R_ G0_ to do they are; by their charter required to do; the work to be done under the its par:. supervision of the board of public works for the District of Columbia. bec. 18. That to correct an error in the enrollment of the act approved