28 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 10, 11. 1872. September; at Harrisonburg, 011,thO Tuesday after the second Monday of S¤ePo.;¢, p. 53. April and October; and at Abingdon, on the 'ljuesdey after the fourth Monday of May and October: And all reeoguizanees, mdictrnents, or Pending pro- other proceedings, civil or crxmmal, now pending 111 exther of B31d courts, °°”· shall be entered and have day in court, and be heard and tmed according to the times of holding said court, as herem prov1ded. APPROVED, February 1, 1872. February 2, 1872. CHAP. XI.—AnAct for the Appartfonmqnt of Representatives to Congress among the "‘_—‘*_ several Status uccording to the nmth Census. Bc it enacted by tim Senate and House of Representatives of the Hzited Number of States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the third
@*2; day of Merch, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the House of Represgntggivgs axe; sentatives shall be composed of two hundred and eighty-three members,
Merch 3, 1873. to be apportioned among the several States in accordance with the pro- Qggelgqw “”°" visions of this act, that is to say: to the State of Maine, five; to the State Bee18:l2,ch. 230. of New Hampshire, two; to the State of Vermont, two; to the State of P°·*‘» P- 192- Massachusetts, eleven; to the State of Rhode Island, two; to the State of Connecticut, four ; to the State of New York, thirty-two; to the State of New Jersey, seven; to the State of Pennsylvania, twenty-six; to the State of Delaware, one; to the State of Maryland, six; to the State of Virginia, nine; to the Stete of North Carolina, eight; to the State of South Carolina, five; to the State of Georgia, nine; to the State of Alabama, seven; to the State of Mississippi, six; to the State of Louisiana, five; to the State of Ohio, twenty; to the State of Kentucky, ten; to the State of Tennessee, nine; to the State of Indiana, twelve; to the State of Illinois, nineteen; to the State of Missouri, thirteen; to the State of Arkansas, four; to the State of Michigan, nine; to the State of Florida, one; to the State of Texas, six; to the State of Iowa, nine ; to the State of Wisoonsin, eight; to the State of California, four; to the State of Minnesota, three; to the State of Oregon, one; to the State of Kansas, three; to the State of West Virginia, three; to the State of Nevada, one; to the State of Nebraska, in new States one: Provided, That ifQ·afber such apportionment shall have been made,
- ‘n°§€Q
- ’i“"d“ “d' any new State shall be admitted inte the Union, the Representative or
see 18:12, ch. 180. Representatives of such new State shall be additional to the number of PM, P- 61- two hundred and eighty-three herein limited. Election of Seo. 2. That in each State entitled under this law to more than one
Representative, the number to which said States may be entitled in the
greg; &c_; forty-third`, and each subsequent Congress, shal1 be elected by districts composed of contiguous territory, and containing as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants, and equal in number to the number of Representatives to which said States may be entitled in Congress, no one ¤fth¤ ¤d<lit§¤¤— district electing more than one Representative: Provided, That in thegf '§};Q;;°3;:i§Q;$" election of Representatives to the forty-third Congress in any State therem. which by this law is given an increased number of Representatives, the 1872, 6h_ 2u_ additional Representative or Representatives allowed to such State may pm, P, ree, be elected by the State at large, and the other Representatives to which the State is entitled by the districts as now prescribed by law in said State, unless the legislature of said State shall otherwise provide before the time fixed by law for the election of Representatives therein. Dag established SEO. 3. That the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in {gf resi:::?:;: of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, is hereby fixed and established &E__ mum fmgh as the dey, m each of the States and Territories of the United States, for mu: Congress; the election of Representatives and Delegates to the forty-fifth Congress; and the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every second year thereafter, is hereby fixed and established as the day for the election, in each of said States and Territories, of Representatives and Delegates Cotggeiigsxuent mfe Congress commencing on the fourth dey of March next there-