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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/961

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CONVENTION- GERMAN EMPIRE. Dnc. 11, 1871. 921 Convention between the United States and the German Empire. Respect- Dec. 11, 1871. mg Oonsuls and Trademarks. Signed December 11, 1871; Ez- _"`-""` changed April 29, 1872 ; Proclaimed June 1, 1872. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. VVusRsAs a convention between the United States of America and the p,-“mb],_ German Empire, relating to the rights, privileges, immunities, and duties of consuls, and to the protection of trade—marks, was signed at Berlin on the eleventh day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyone, by their respective plenipotentiaries; And whereas a protocol thereto was signed by the said plenipotentiaw ries on the twenty-ninth day of April last; which convention and protocol, in the English and German languages, are, word for word, as follows: The President of the United Der Praesident der Vereinigten Contracting States of America, and his Majesty Staaten von Amerika, und Seine P““"°“‘ the Emperor of Germany, King of Majestaet der Deutsche Kaiser, Prussia, in the name of the German Koenig von Preussen, im Namen Empire, led by the wish to define des Deutschen Reiches, von dem the rights, privileges, immunities, Wunsclie geleitet, die Rechte, Priand duties of the respective cou- vilegien, Immunitaeten und Versular agents, have agreed upon the pflichtungen der beiderseitigen conconclusion of a consular conven- sularischen Agenten festzustellen, tion, and for that purpose have sind uebereingekommen, einen Conappointed their plenipotentiaries, sular-Vertrag abzuschliessen und namely: haben zu diesem Behufe zu Ihren Bevollmaechtigten ernannt, naernlich: The President of the United Der Praesident der Vereinigten States of America, George Ban- Staaten von Amerika, den aussercroft, Envoy Extraordinary and ordentlichen Gesandten und bevoll- Minister Plenipotentiary from the maechtigten Minister der gcdachsaid States, near his Majesty the ten Staaten bei Seiner Majestaet Emperor of Germany; his Majesty dem Deutschen Kaiser, George the Emperor of Germany, King of Bancroft; Seine Majestaet der Prussia, Bernhard Konig, his Privy Deutsche Kaiser, Koenig von Councillor of Legation, who have Preussen, Allerhoechstihren Geagreed to and signed the following heimen Legationsrath, Bernhard articles: Koenig, welche die folgenden Artikel vereinbart und unterzeichnet haben: Ama I. Am. 1. Each of the contractin arties Jeder der Vertragenden Theile U¤¤S¤l¤; &°-• Bgfees to receive from tliepother willigt eine, General-Consuln, O0n·t° b° r°°°"°d’ consuls-general, consuls, vice-com suln, Vice-Consuln und Consularsu1s,a.nd consular agents, in all its Ageuten des anderen Theiles in ports, cities, and places, exept those allen seinen Haefen, Staedten und where it may not be convenient to Plaetzen zuzulassen, mit Ausnah-