POSTAL CONVENTION.- SWITZERLAND. Fun. 23, 1872. 935 Additional Article to Postal Convention with Switzerland. Additional Articles to the P0stal'Articles additionels at la C’0m:ention Feb. 23 1872. Convention between the Swiss postale entre la Cbnfédération WIETUTEE Confederation and the United Suisse et ·les E'tats—I/Tzis d’Amé- States of America of the 12th of rique du 12 Octobre 1867 relative- October, 1867, relative to the Ex-] ment at Féchange des mandats declzange of Dzternational Postal poste internationaux. Orders. The Swiss Federal Council, rep- Le Conseil federal Suisse. repre- Contracting resented by Mr. John Hitz, Swiss sonté par Mr. John Hitz, Consul- P"“°°· Consul-General and Political Agent général suisse, et agent politique it at Washington, the Post-oflice De- Washington, ,le Département des partment of the United States, Postes des Etats-Unis, représenté represented by Hon. Jno. A. J. par Mr. Jno. A. J. Creswell, Chef Creswell, Postmaster-General, for du Département des Postes, dans the purpose of establishing, for the 1'intention d’établir pour Yéchange exchange of international postal des mandats internationaux des orders, uniform rates of commis- taxes uniformes, et se laissant plus sion, capable of being more easily facilement adapteraux circonstances, modified according to circum- ont arrété, sous reserve de ratificastances, have agreed, subject to tion des autorités respectives des the ratification of the respective deux pays contractants: authorities of the two contracting countries, upon the following: 1st. Article 5 of the Convention 1°. L’article V de la Convention Article five of between the Swiss Confederation entre la Confederation Suisse et les g’;’“$’ i°”‘§“,; and the United states of America manners d’Amériquc an 12 om ,,,‘;,,"§,‘${’§;,,_ Y of the 12th of October, 1867, is bre 1867 est remplacé par le nouvel replaced by the following new ar- article suivant: ticle: Am. 5. Am V. The Swiss Postal Administration Lhdministration des postes suisses 1{atcs of comis at liberty to modify, at any time pourra modifier en tout temps sui- ;‘;;$;;g’;;’;)iP:~;“°Y whenever it may be deemed expe- vant qu’e1le le jugera convenable les ,,,,,,,;,,,6 bé mid. dient, the rates of commission on taxes des rmaudats émis en Suisse iii¤<1· orders issued in Switzerland for the pour les Etats—Unis d’Amérique, et United States of America, and the le meme droit est aussi reserve zi same right is also reserved to ladministration des postes des Etats— the Postal Administration of the Unis pour les mandats délivrés cn United States for money orders Amerique et destinés pour la Suisse. issued in that country for trans- Les deux Administrations fixeront mission to Switzerland. The two d’un commun accord la répartition Administrations shall arrange, by du produit des taxes. mutual agreement, the division of the proceeds of said commissions. 2nd. The provisions of this new 2°. Les dispositions de ce nouvcl when newk Article 5 shall take effect on the 1st Article V entrent en vigucur le 1’ g,‘,%;f"’““ “ ° day of April, 1872. Avril 1872.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/975