POSTAL CONVENTION.- SWITZERLAND. MAY 6 & 31, 187:2. 939 SECOND ADDITIONAL CONVENTION May 5, 31, 1g7g_ To the Oonvention relative; to the Amelioration of the Postal Intercourse, concluded between the United States of America and the Swiss Confederation, signed at Berne October 11, 1867. The opportunity being ottered to the postal administrations of the United States of America and of Switzerland, to introduce an exchange of closed mails via Bremen or Hamburg at lower transit rates than those now in force by the British-Belgian route, the governments of the United States of America and of Switzerland have resolved to open the new routes above mentioned to the correspondence of the two countries under the following conditions: Arrrzotn 1. The letters from the United States of America for Switzerland, and Ram gflctggg vice versa, which the senders may desire to have transmitted via Bremen P°¤*·¤B¢ vie BN- or Hamburg, shall be chargeable with the following rates: $,29* Hm 1t. Eight cents per single rate for letters originating in the United i States. 2d. Forty centimes per single rate for letters originating in Switzerland. For letters unpaid or insufficiently paid are reserved the extra charges provided by Article 7 of the convention of October 11, 1867 . Axrroms 2. All letters from the United States of America for Switzerland, and other letters vice versa, for which the senders shall not have requested transmission by °l°S°d ¤¤¤*l¤— via Bremen or Hamburg, [or in open mails via France,] shall continue to be sent in closed mails by the British-Belgian route, and subjected to the rates fixed by Article 1 of the additional convention of February 7, 1870. Anrrcnn 3. In case future abatements in transit expenses admit of a reduction in Reduction of the present rates on letters exchanged between the United States ¤.]1d;‘;;*;°;é’§_I°t“' Switzerland, the postal administrations of the two contracting countries are authorized to fix, by common accord, the respective reduced rates and to take the necessary measures to place them to the profit of the public of the two countries. ARTICLE 4. The present convention, which shall be considered as a second sup- _This copvgxgm plement to the convention of October 11, 1867, shall enter into operation :_'£';;f*·“ ° July 1, 1872. Done in duplicate and signed in Washington the sixth day of May, one Signature. thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and in Berne the thirty-tnst day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. [sum,.] JNO. A. J. CRESWIELL, Postmaster General of the [/Fitted States. `The Federal Department of Posts and Telegrapbs. [SEAL,] F. CHALLET VENEL.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/979