346 POSTAL CONVENTION.-NEVVFOUNDLAND. Nov. 13, 1872. Newspapers, and all other kinds of printed matter, shall be subject to the laws and regulations of each country, respectively, in regard to their liability to be rated with letter-postage when containing written matter, or for any other cause specified in said laws and regulations, as well as in regard to their liability to customs duty under the revenue laws. Anrrcrn 4. Exchange in The two Post-Departments shall establish by agreement, and in con· °P°" "‘“IS· formity with arrangements in force at the time, the conditions upon which the two offices may reciprocally exchange in open mails the correspondence originating in or destined to other foreign countries to which they may respectively serve as intermediaries. Either country forwarding or receiving such correspondence through the open mails of the other, shall account to such other country for such postage rates as are chargeable thereon, for exterior service, by its laws and regulations, or the requirements of its foreign postal arrangements. Anrrenn 5. R¤siSf¤¤"-**6 We The two Post Departments may, by mutual agreement, provide for the ms' transmission of registered letters in the mails exchanged between the two countries, and may settle by agreement between them all measures of detail and arrangements required to carry this convention into execution, and may modify the same in like manner, from time to time, as the exigencies of the service may require. Anricnn 6. Dead 1mm_ Dead letters which cannot be delivered, from whatever cause, shall be mutually returned without charge, monthly, or more frequently, as the regulations of the respective offices will permit. Aarrenn 7. Convention This convention shall come into operation the first day of December, when to go into 1872, and shall be terminable at any time on a notice, by either party, °P°’“t‘°”‘ of six months. Signamm Done in duplicate and signed at "Washington the twentieth day of November, and at Saint John’s the thirteenth day of N ovember, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. [sun,.] J. XV. MARSHALL, Acting Postmaster- General. [ssrn.] JOHN DELANY, Postmaster- General. Approve}. I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and. in testimony thereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixcd. U. S. GRANT. By the President: HAm1.roN Frsn, Secretary q/' State. [SEAL.] Wasumeron, Mvembw 20, 1872.
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