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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/995

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APPENDIX. 955 eepting the islands of Cqba. and Porto Rico, into the ports of Spain and the discontinuedas minds adjacent thereto 1p vessels belonging to citizens of the United Smeg I¢>¤g=¤» Kw- 9);;,,11 be exempt frorp dxscrxmimytiug duties, any such duties on merchandise 182*·.°h·*>§*· Imported mto the United States m Spaniqb vessels, excepting from the islands 18gg°1';vifi 3‘1 of Cuba {md Porto Rxco, shall be d1sc0ntmi1ed and abolished. VJ. gv: P, :,*0%;

g%§i2§§?g £h€;?; $$3;; hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of  

Done at the City of Washington this nineteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven -0ne, and [SEAL.] iiézhe Independence of the United States of Amerim Ke ninety- s . _ U. S. GRANT. By the President: HAMILTON Fxsu, Secrelary of State. N0. 9. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: May 11, 1872. A PROCLAMATION. WVHEREAS, pursuant to the first section of the act of Congress approved the Preamble. eleventh daly of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, entitled “Au apt to provrde for tire execution of treaties between the United States and for- Act of exgxr naman? respecting consular jurisdiction over the crews of vessels of such 1864·,Eh· 116- iorexgu mucus m the waters and ports of the United States," it is provided V§;Ll§;1‘&pfb1§1‘ that before they act shall take effect as to the ships and vessels of any particu- in fum ES to th: 1ar nz.txon having such treaty with the United States, the President of the United King- United States shall have been satisfied that similar provisions have been made d0m$ 9f Sweden for the execution of such treaty by the other contracting party, and shall have and I‘°’“'**Y· xssufd his proclamation to that effect, declaring that act to be in force as to Sue nation. And whereas due iuqgiry having been made, and a satisfactory answer having l§ee¤hrcecivc<§mat simi r provisions are in force in the United Kingdoms of we en and orway: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Urvssms S. GRANT, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the same accordingly. Done at the City of Washington this eleventh day of May, in the year of [SEAL J our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and of the Ix1· ' dependence of the United States of America the uinétyésizgzh. By the President: IIAMILTON Fxsd, Secretary of State.

N0. 10. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. VV1m1mAs the net of Con ress a roved June 25th, 1868, constituted, on and Preamble. S PP 1868 u 72 BHG! that date, eight hours 9, du.y’s work for all laborers, Wm2km8H, and 1118- VOL ;v 'P §n tthzmics employed by or on behalf of the government of the United States ; 127 And whereas on the nineteenth dey of May, iq theyear orre thousand exght V°l· lm- P- 1 · hundred and sixtymine, by executive proclamation, lt was directed that from and afner that date no reduction should be made in the wages pa,1d by the government by the day to sinch laborers, workmen, and mechanics on account of such reduction of the hours of labor; And whereas it is now represented to me that the act of Congress and the proclamation aforesaid have not been strictly ibserved gy alaoflkers of the th h f hl b rs, wor men, an mea amos: _

§;T5?erei?$; IT l?TE?s§E; §. éxgrfr, President of the United States, do  §g ;$£$‘;§;’“

hereby again call attention no the m of Congress uforesqnd, and drrect Mi wag,,, &,,__ 0,, <>fH<:¤rs of the executive department of the government haying charge of the qccovut of mmm. employment and payment of laborers, workmen, 01* mechanics employed by 0I` mm m hours of on behalf of the government of the United States to make no reductxou m the labor.