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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/997

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APPENDIX. 957 In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set m Urged Stat? to be mixed, y hand and caused the seal of the one at t ue city of Washington, the fourth da of Se tember‘ [SEAL.] our Lord one thousand eight hundredyand s¢i)venty-twbT;}iii1ydfrth; Independence of the United States the ninety-seventh. By the President: U` S' GRANT' Cuantns Ham, Acting Secretary of Sta/te. No. 18. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Oct. 11, 1872. A PROCLAMATION. IVHEREAS the revolution of another year has in hrou ht the tim w ' is usual to loolr back upon the past, and publiclyufd thank ghe Almiehliy fdinhi; Primus` mercies and his blessings; ° And whereas if any one people has more occasion than another for such thankfulncss, it IS the citizens of the United States, whose government. is their creature, suhiect to their behests; who have reserved to themselves ample civil and religious freedom and equality before the law; who, durin the last twelvemonth, have enjoyed exemption from any grievous or generé calamity, and to whom prosperity in agriculture, manufactures, and commerce hasq been youcfhsafed: ow, there ore, b these considerations, I recommend that on Thursda , the twenty-ei_ghth day of, November next, the people meet in their respective iilaces gigilhgofsgidikk of (worship, and there make their acknowledgments to God for his kindness mended. an onn y. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of October, in the year of [SEAL.] our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and of the Independence of the Unite States the mnety-seventh. U. S. GRANT. By the President: Hmxnrox Frou, Secretary of State. N 0. 14. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: O°t· 3°» mm A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, upon information received by me from His Majesty the Emperor Vmembleof the Trench, that discriminating duties before the date of said information levied in French ports u on merchandise imported from the countries of its (mgm in vessels of the liinited States were discontinued and abolished, and in {§2·l·i,°h· L §4- pursuance of the provisions of an act of Congress of the 7th of January, 1824, 18,,8°lé,;V;§ 3· 1 and of an act in addition thereto of the 24th of May, 1828, I did, on the 12th ii p_’§08` day of June, 1869, issue m proclamation declaring that the discriminatinv ' duties before that date levied, upon merchandise imported from the countries of Val- xvi- p- 1127. its origin into ports of the United States in French vessels were thereby discontmued and abolished; And whereas, upon information subsequently received by me that the levyinv of such duties on all merchandise imported into France in vessels of the United States, whether from the country of its origin or from other countries, had been d}S9¤ntinued, I did, on the 20th of November, 1869. in pursuance of the pro- V- v. xvi. p. neo. yisions of the said acts of Congress, and by the authority in me vested thereby, issue my proclamation declaring that the discriminating duties before that date levied upon merchandise imported into the United States in French vessels, either from the countries of its origin or from any other country, were thereby discontinued and abolished; And whereas, by the rovisions of the said acts of Congress of January 7th, 182d, and of the 24th of) May, 1828, as well as by the terms of the said pr-oclamations of the 12th of June, 1869, and of the 20th of Noyember, 1869, the said suspension of discriminating duties upon merchandise imported into_ the United States in French vessels was granted by the United States on condition that, and to continue so long as merchandise imported into France m vessels of the United States should be admitted into the ports of _I•`runce on the same terms of exemption from the payment of such discriminating duties;