138 PUBLIC TREATIES. - ia exceptso far as it ma be modiiied by treaties with hrth;ti·yn(dftiY>vn&s:I5;lbeing exsressly agreed thdt citizens of the United States shall never pay higher duties than those paid by the most favored nations; and whereas since the signature of the said treaty material modifications of the said tariif and other matters of detail connected with and having relation to the said treaty have been made under mutual discussions by commissioners appointed to that end the Plenipotentiaries of China, Great Britain, and France, to which the assent of the United States of America is desired and now freely given, it has been determined toreeord such assent and agreement in the form of a supplementary treaty, to be as binding and of the same ellicacy as though they had been inserted in the original treaty. Anrrcnn I. Turimand trade The tarif and regulations of trade and tran it hereunto attached, ¤‘¤¤¤l¤*i<>¤¤- bearing the seals of the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States and the Ta Tsing Empire, shall heucetorwurd and until duly altered under the provisions of treaties be in force at the ports and places open to commerce. Signatures. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and of the Ta Tsiug Empire, to wit, on the part of the United States, William B. Reed, Envoy Extraordinaiy and Minister Plenipotentiary; and on the part of the Ta Tsing mpire Kweiliang, a member of the Privy Council, Captain General of the Plain White Banner Division of the Manchu Bannerrnen, and Superintendent of the Board of Punishments; and Hwashana, Classical Reader at Banquets, President of the Board of Civil Office, Captain General of the Bordered Blue Banner Division of the Chinese Bannermen, both of them Plenipotentiaries · with Ho Kwei-tsing, Governor General of the two Kiang Provinces, President of the Board of War, and Guardian of the Heir-Apparent; Miugshen, President of the Ordnance Odlce of the Imperial Household, with the Insignia of the Second Grade · and Twau, a titnlar President of the Fifth Grade, member of the Estahlish ment of the General Council, and one of the junior under Secretaries of the Board of Punishments, all of them special Imperial Commissioners deputcd for the purpose, have signed and sealed these presents. Done at Shanghai this eighth day of November, in the year of our Dm. Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-third, and in the eighth year of Hienfung, the tenth month and third day. [SEAL.] WILLIAM B. REED. KWEILIAN G. HWASHAN A. [SEAL.] HO KWEI-TSING. MINGSHEN. TWAN. TABIFF ON IMPORTS. WW on im- Agar-agar,per100c•tties . . . iarsnas, W 100 mas. ...§§ZZlZZZZZjjZZZ§1ZZ§ZZZZIZZZZZI o s a n Bgggwgg, ygllqwgpgg- 100 ggM,igg______ ,_ _____ ___" ____ ___________ _____, 1 0 0 0 Bgf,g].nu|;, hu¤drgdggf,(;i3g_ ____ ______ _____ ,,_,____,,_,, ,___ _,._ ____ 0 1 5 5 Betel-nut, mk, per hundred catties .. .. .. . . .. 0 0 7 0 Bicho do Mar, black, per 100 catties . . . . . . .. . . .. 1 5 0 0 Biclw d¤ MM'. White, Per 100 cattios .. . ... . .,... .. ,,,, , _,,,, o 3 .6 0‘ Biydyncstg, [gt qu;),]ity’ pgp catty______ ___________ _____ ____,___ _____." 0 5 5 0 Birds-nests, 2nd quality,per entry ____,_ ____ ____________ _ _____ _ _____ ____ 0 4 5 0 Birdsmests, 3rd quality, or nncleaned, per cattv .. . . . 0 1 5 0 B¤¤=¤¤¤.b¤¤¤,percr¤•¤ - . .. .. . ... 0 0 s s Csmphor, baroos,c1ean, per catty .. . . .. .. .. 1 3 0 0
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