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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/159

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152 PUBLIC TREATIES. and customary with the vessels of the nation where the damage happens, permitting them to unload the said vessel, if necessary, of its merchandises and effects, without exacting for it any duty, impost, or contribution whatever, unt I they may be exported. A1zr1cLr·: IX. Personal prop- The citizens of each of the contracting partiesshall have power to dis- °'°Y· pose of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by sale, donation, testament, or otherwise, and their representatives, being citizens of the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestate, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves or others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country, wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases. Real estate- And if, in the case of real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession of the inheritance, on account of their character of aliens, there shall be granted to them the term of three years to dispose of the same, as they may think proper, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, and exempt from all rights of detraction, on the part of the government of the respective States. Ancrxorn X. Protection tacit- Both the contracting parties promise and engage formally to give their i¤°¤¤· special protection to the persons and property of the citizens of each other of all occupations, who may bein the territories subject to the jurisdiction of the one or the other, transient or dwelling therein, leaving open and free to them the tribunals of justice for their judicial recourse, on the same terms which are usual and customary, with the natives or citizens of the country in which they may be ; for which they may employ in defence of their rights such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents, and factors, as they may judge proper, in all their trials at law; and such citizens or agents shall have free opportunity to be present at the decisions and sentences of the tribunals, in all cases which. may concern them, and likewise at the taking of all examinations and evidence which may be exhibited in the said trials. Anrrom XI. security or we- It is likewise agreed that the most perfect and entire security of couscience. science shall be enjoyed by the citizens of both the contracting parties in the countries subject to the jurisdiction of the one and the other. without their being liable to be disturbed or molested on account of their religious belief, so long as they respect the laws and established usages mgm., of 4,,,,-;,,;, of the country. Moreover, the bodies of the citizens of one of the colltracting parties, who may die in the territories of the other, shall be buried in the usual burying grounds, or in other decent and suitable places, and shall be protected from violation or disturbance. Aurrcm XII. Neutral trade, It shall be lawful for the citizens of the United State of America and of the Republic of Colombia to sail with their ships with all manner of liberty and security, no distinction being made who are the proprietors of the merchandises laden thereon, from any port to the places of thoS6 who now nre or hereafter shall he at enmity with either of the contracting parties, It shall likewise be lawful for the citizens aforesaid to sail with the ships and mercbandises before mentioned, and to trade with the same liberty and security from the places, ports, and havens, of those who are enemies of both or either party, without any oposition or disturbance whatsoever, not only directly from the places of the enemy, be-