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158 PUBLIC TREATIES. COLOMBIA, 1864. ~ · IFA AND T c -;°·‘*""· ·"%‘i3§¥§£‘%?hi—*E§“éE—E§O{%§BY.§,i§,BaiM§AT‘2g`5§(h’iJ}i§},,,»iL,,i.;§,~iLiiEt


EX€$Nk}ED AT WASHINGTON AUGUST 19, 1865; PROCLAIMILD AUoUs*r 10, 2 Preamble. Whereas a convention for the adjustment of claims was concluded [see convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Mew Gra- '<>f 1857. PP- 564, nada, in the city of Washington, on the 10th September, 18oi, which 565] convention, as afterward amended by the contracting parties, was proclaimed by the President of the United States on the Sth November 1860 · . And whereas the joint commission organized under the authority conterred by the preceding mentioned convention did tail, by reason of uncontrollable circumstances, to decide all the claims laid before them under its provisions, within the time to which their proceedings were limited by the 4th article thereof; qommmng pm-. The United States of America and the United States of Colombiaties. the latter representing the late Republic of New Granada—·are desirous that the time originally fixed for the duration of the commission should be so extended as to admit the examination and adjustment of such claims as were presented to but not settled by the joint commission aforesaid, and to this end have named Plenipotentiaries to agree upon Negotintom. the best mode ot accomplishing this object, that is to say: The President of the United States of America, William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and the President of the United States of Colombia, Senor Manuel Murillo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of Colombia; Who, having exchanged their full powers, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I. Extension quam The high contracting parties agree that the time limited in the couf<>r_ termination <>f vention above referred to for the termination of the commission shall be °]““”“°°”‘“"“‘°“· extended for a period not exceeding nine months from the exchange of ratiiications of this convention, it being agreed that nothing in this article contained shall in any other wise alter the provisions of the convention above referred to; and that the contracting parties shall appoint commissioners anew, and an umpire shall be chosen anew, in the manper and with die duties and powers respectively expressed in the said ormer conven ion. Ancrrcnm II. R¤¢i6<>¤¢i<>¤¤- The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratincations shall be Si mmm exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. g · In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have hereunto affixed their seals. D¤*»9· Done at Washington this tenth day of February, in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. {SEAL.] WM. H. SE WARD. san.,] M. MURILLO.