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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/168

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COSTA RICA, 1851. 161 United States, whether such exportations shall be made in Costa Rican or in United States vessels; and the same duties shall be paid and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation of ’any articles being the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Republic of Costa. Rica to the territories of the United States, whether such exportation shall bemade in United States or in Costa Rican vessels. Anrionm VII. All merchants, commanders of ships, and others citizens of the · g United States, shall have full liberty, in all the territories of the Re- ldgnrg lcguofm public of Costa Rica, to manage their own affairs themselves, or to commit them to the management of whomsoever they please, as broker, motor; agent, or interpreter; nor shall they be obliged to employ any other persons in those capacities than those employed by Costa Ricans, nor to pay them any other salary or remuneration than such as is paid in like cases by Costa Rican citizens; and absolute freedom shall be F,-,,,4,m 4,,, allowed in all cases to the buyer and seller to bargain and fix the price trade. of any goods, wares, or merchandise imported into or exported from the Republic of Costa Rica, as they shall see good, observing the laws and established customs of the country. The same privileges shall be enjoyed in the territories of the United States by the citizens of the Republic of Costa Rica under the same conditions. The citizens of the high contracting parties shall reciprocally receive Access to com-ts and enjoy full and pertect protection for their persons and property <>fJ•¤¤*·*<>¤· and shall have free and open access to the courts of justice in the said countries respectively, for the prosecution and defence of their just rights; and they shall be at liberty to employ, in all cases, the advocates, attorneys, or agents of whatever description, whom they may think proper, and they shall enjoy in this respect the same rights and privileges therein as native citizens. ARTICLE VIII. In whatever relates to the police of the ports, the lading and unladiug Equality of inof ships, the safety of merchandise, goods, and elfects, the succession carnal dutics,&c. to personal estates by will or otherwise, andthe disposal of personal property of every sort and denomination, by sale, donation, exchange, testament, or in any other manner whatsoever, as also the administration of justice, the citizens of the two high contracting parties shall reeiprocally enjoy the same privileges, liberties, and rights as native citizens, and they shall not be charged in any of these respects with any higher impost or duties than those which are paid or may be paid by native citizens; submitting, of course, to the local laws and regulations of each country respectively. If any citizen of either of the two high contracting parties shall die 1..;,,,,;,,,,4;,, ,,.-0,.- without will or testament in any of the territories of the other, the Con- my. sul General or Consul of the nation to which che deceased belonged, or ` the representative of such Consul General or Consul in his absence, shall have the right to nominate curators to take charge of the property of the deceased, so tar as the laws of the country will permit, for the benefit of the lawful heirs and creditors of the deceased, giving proper notice of such nomination to the authorities of the country. Anrioma IX. The citizens of the United States residing in the Republic of Costa p;,,,,,,,,;;,,,, {mm Rica, and the citizens of the Republic of Costa Rica residing in the military service, United States, shall be exempted from all compulsory military service &°- whatsoever, either by sea or by land, and trom all forced loans or millmry exactions or requisitions; and they shall not be compelled, under any pretext whatsoever, to pay other ordillary charges, requisitions, or taxes greater than those that are paid by native citizens of the contracting parties respectively. 11 s 1v—11