COSTA RICA, 1860. 163 Aucrronn XIII. In order that the two high contracting parties may have the oppor- D nrt. no ii cr tunity of hereafter treating and agreeing upon such other arrangements *"’“*3'- as may tend still further to the improvement of their mutual intercourse, and to the advancement of the interests of their respective citizens, it is agreed that, at any time after the expiration of seven years irom the date of the exchange of the ratitications of the present treaty, either of the high contracting parties shall have the right of giving to the other party notice of its intention to terminate Articles IV, V, and VI, of the present treaty; and that, at the expiration of twelve months after such notice shall have been received by either party from the other, the said articles, and all the stipulations contained therein, shall cease to be binding on the two high contracting parties. Anrxcm XIV. The present treaty. shall be ratified, and the ratiiications shall be ex- Ratificnticns. changed at Washington or at San J cse de Costa Rica, within the space of one year, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the S*€°“*°’°°· same and have aiiixed thereto their respective seals. Done at Washington this tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord Date. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. DAN’L WEBSTER. sun,. F. MOLINA. {sun.] COSTA RICA, 1860. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE RE- July 2, 1860. PUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. FOB THE ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS, CON CLUDED —‘_··#——··· AT SAN Jose JULY 2, 1860; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE JANUARY 16, 1861; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT JANUARY 21, 1861; TIME FOR EXCHANGE 01-* RATIFICATIONS EXTENDED BY SENATE MARCH 12, 1861; RA'r11»*10A- TIONS EXCHANGED AT WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 9, 1861; PROCLAIMED NOVEMBER 11, 1661. Convention for the aipushnent of claims of citizens of the United States against the Goucrmncnt of the Republic of Costa Rica. The United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica, desir· _C<>¤¢¤¤¤¢l¤•s nariug to adjust the claims of citizens of said States against Costa Rica in °'°“‘ such a manner as to cement the good understanding' and friendly relations now happily subsisting between the two Republics, have resolved to settle such claims by means of a convention; aud, for that purpose, appointed and conierred full powers, respectively, to wit: _ The President of the United States, on Alexander Dimitry, Minister N°€°*'“*°‘”°· Resident of said United States in the Republic of Costa Rica, and his Excellency the Constitutional President of said Republic of Costa Rica, on Manuel José Carazo and Francisco Maria Yglesias; who, upon an exchange of their plenary powers, which were found in good and proper form, have agreed to the following articles: Anrxcnn I. lt is agreed that all claims of citizens of the United States. upon q'***"’” *° '°· the Government of Costa Rica, arising from injuries to their persons, or M damages to their property, under any form whatsoever, through the action of authorities of the Republic of Costa Rica, statements of which, soliciting the interpositiou of the Government of the United States, have been presented to the Department of State at Washington,
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