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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/174

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DENMARK, 1826. 167 DENMARK. DENMARK, 1826. GENERAL CONNVENTION OF FRIEND - Bm-wm rua UN.-mt mm*03“§‘§xE”R‘if?l‘5‘§‘i§"·H‘i§"t§.¢.Y§§—*é*"?5.3l.§ KING OF DENMARK, CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON APRIL 26, 1826; RATI- FIOATION ADVISED BY SENATE MAY 4,1e26; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT MAY 6, 1826; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT COPENHAGEN AUGUST 10 1826; PROCLAIMED OCTOBER 14, ieee. ’ [This convention was abrogated April 15, 1856, and renewed (except the 5th article) by convention of April 11, 18:>7.] The United States of America and His Majesty the King of Den- ,C°¤*'°°**¤S P**'· mark, being desirous to make firm and permanent the peace and friend- W"' ship which happily prevail between t-he two nations, and to extend the commercial relations which subsist between their respective territories and people, have agreed to fix, in a manner clear and positive, the rules which shall in future be observed between the one and the other party, by means of a general convention of friendship, commerce, and navigation. With that object, the President of the United States of Negotiamm. America has conferred full powers on Henry Clay, their Secretary of State, and His Majesty the King of Denmark has conferred like powers on Peter Pedersen, his Privy Counsellor of Legatiou and Minister Resident uear the said States, Knight of the Dannebrog; who, after having exchanged their said full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to the following articles : Amtiorn I. The contracting parties, desiring to live in peace and harmony with F¤V<>¤ ¢:r¤·¤*>~>·i all the other nations of the earth, by means of a policy frank and equally g°cc‘fg;'cgQ;’:; °° friendly with all, engage, mutually, not to grant any particular favor ` to other nations, in respect of commerce and navigation, which _ shall not immediately become common to the other party, who shall enjoy the same freely, if the concession were freely made, or on allowing the same compensation, if the concession were conditional. Amucrn II. The contracting parties being likewise desirous of placing the com- _ Reciprocaleqnalmerce and navigation of their respective countries on the liberal basis Wg °f ,°°"9m°'°° of perfect equality and reciprocity, mutually agree that the citizens and °° "'"'g‘m°°‘ subjects of each may frequent all the coasts and countries of the other, (with the exception hereafter provided for in the sixth article,) and [See Article reside and trade there in all kinds of produce, manufactures, and Vi-] merchandise; and they shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exemptions, in navigation and commerce, which native citizens or subjects do or shall enjoy, submitting themselves to the laws, decrees, and usages, there established, to which native citizens or subjects are subjected. But it is understood that this article does not include the coasting trade of either country, the regulation of which is reserved by the parties, respectively, according to their own separate laws. Amrrcnn III. They likewise agree that whatever kind of produce, manufacture, or Importations and merchandise, of any foreign country, can be, from time to time, lawfully °¤I><>¤'$=*¤°¤¤- imported into the United States, in vessels belonging wholly the citizens thereof, may be also imported in vessels wholly belonging to