198 PUBLIC TREATIES. · to ,, d th ‘ .ti ·e Plenipotentiaries to wit: the President Nagom I gtqiiagtgdiltgdugmmztrgsmiimh Fish, Secretary of State, and the President of the Republic of Ecuador,_Don Antonio Flores, accredited as Minister Resident of that Republic to the Government of the Lnited States; who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Anrrom: I. Who m herecog- Each of the two Republics shall recognize as naturalized citizens of Pi"'? F "**““**· the other, those persons who shall have been therein duly naturalized, md °'°'""" after having resided nninterrnptedly in their adopted country as long as may be required by its constitution or laws. _ _ This article shall apply as well to those_ already naturalized in the countries of either of the contracting parties as to those who may be hereafter naturalized. Anrictn II. Renewal or orig If a naturalized citizen of either country shall renew his residence in i¤¤·l ¢i¤i¤¤¤¤hiP· that where he was born, without an intention of returning to that where he was naturalized, he shall be held to have reassumed the obligations of his original citizenship, and to have renounced that which he had obtained by naturalization. Anrrcrn III. Intention not to A residence of more than two years in the native country of a naturcturm ralized citizen shall he construed as an intention on his part to stay there without returning to that where he was naturalized. This presnmption, however, may be rehutted by evidence to the contrary. Anrrcm IV. Olfenses commit- N aturalized citizens of either country, on returning to that where they ted b¤T<>¤¤ ¤¤¤s¤- were born, shall be subject to trial and punishment according to the "°“· laws, for offences committed before their emigration, saving always the limitations established by law. Anrrcmt V. _ tigwtgretiv ¤ 0 f A declaration of intention to become a citizen shall' not have theeifect “‘ " “· of naturalization. Anrrcm VI. Duration of wu- The present convention shall go into effect immediately on the ex- "°¤**°¤· change of ratiiications, and it shall remain in full force for ten years. If neither of the contracting parties shall give notice to the other six ·months_prev1ously of its intention to terminate the same, it shall further remain in force until twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of such intention. · Anrrctn VII. muneauonn. The present convention shall be ratilled by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the President of the Republic of Ecuador, with the approval of the Congress of th_at Republic, and the ratilzications shall be exchanged at lhashington within eighteen months from the date hereof. signatures In faith whereof the Plenipoteutiaries have signed and sealed this Dm convention at the city of Washington this sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. [sun:"' HAMILTON FISH. sian,. ANTONIO FLORES.