Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/207

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2()() PUBLIC TREATIES. Aurrom 3m>. Political ode n- The stipulations of this treaty shall not be applicable to crimes or ° ‘?° ° ***1 P ” St offences of a political and the person or persons delivered °"“‘°“‘ up, charged with the crimes speeitled in the foregoing article, shall not be prosecuted for any crime committed previously to that for which his or their extradition may be asked. Anrrcm. 4rn. Offenders against If the person whose extradition may have been applied for, in accordwu ntry f¥<9¤¤ ance with the stipulations of the present treaty, shall have been ar- F"h*°h °“’“d‘*‘°“ rested for offences committed in the country where he has sought refuge, " d°m°°d°d' or if he shall have been sentenced therefor, his extradition may be deterred until his acquittal, or the expiration of the term for which he shall have been sentenced. Anrrcrn 5TH. B,qu(,;H0,, s, Requisitions for the extradition of fngitives from justice shall be bow to be made. made by the respective diplomatic agents of the contracting parties, or, in case of the absence of these from the country or its capital, they may wha, {0, {ug;. be made by superior consular officers. If the person whose extradition tive convicted of is asked for shall have been convicted of a crime, the requisition must <=*l¤¤°· be accompanied by a copy of the sentence of the court that has couvicted him, authenticated under its seal, and an attestation of the odicial character of the judge who has signed it, made by the proper executive authority; also by an authentication of the latter by the Minister or when for fugi- Consul of the United States or Ecuador, respectively. On the contrary,

  • ·i!<· ¤h•¤‘8¤d with however, when the fugitive is merely charged with crime, a duly au-

°““‘°· thenticated copy of the warrant for his arrest in the country where the crime has been committed, and of any evidence in writing upon which such warrant may have been issued, must accompany the aforesaid Ama, 0,- ,·ug,_ requisition. The President of the United States, or the proper execume. five authority of Ecuador, may then order the arrest of the t'ugitive, in order that he may be brought before the judicial authority whichis competent to examine the question of extradition. If, then, according to the evidence and the law, it be decided that the extradition is due in Delivery up or conformity with this treaty, the fugitive shall be delivered up, accordfusitivv- in g to the forms prescribed in such cases. ARTICLE 6111. E xp e n ses of The CXpGl]SOS of tI1C Hl‘I'€Sl'·, d€t8Ill3l0Il, and tl‘3HSp01‘lZ1itl0D of p6l‘SOIl8 arrest and <>¤t¤¤d¤— claimed shall be paid by the Government in whose name the requsition '*‘°“· shall have been made. Anrrcru 7·rn. nnmtion of This treaty shall continue in force for ten (10) years from the day of ¤¤¤*·¥- the exchange of ratilications; but in case neither party shall have given to the other one (1) year’s previous notice of its intention to terminate thel same, then this treaty shall continue in force for ten (10) years longer, an so on. Ratincntions. The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratitications exchanged in the capital of Ecuador, within two months from the day on which the asgssioréganthe titgmgng Congress of Ecuador shall terminate, which will in r, . Signatures. In testimony whereof the respective Plenipoteutiaries have signed the present treaty in duplicate, and have hereunto aiiixed their seals. Dm,_ Done in the city of Quito, capital of the Republic of Ecuador, this twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- [SELL.] RUMSEY WING. smh. FRANCISCOJAVIEB LEON.