Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/213

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206 PUBLIC TREATIES. said ship or vessel, with its lading, proof being made thereof, shal1 be coutlscated. It is, however, understood that the exclusion stipulated in the present article shall take place only so long and so fm- as the Most Christian King or the United States shall not in this respect have granted an exemption to some other nation. ARTICLE X. French fisheries The United States, their citizens and inhabitants, shall never distqrb

  • ¤ N°Wf°¤¤<“¤¤d· the subjects of the Most Christian King in the enjoyment and exrercnse

of the right of fishing on the banks et Newfoundland, nor m the mdeunite aud exclusive right which belongs to them on that part of thecoast of that island which is designed by the treaty_0t' Utrecht; nor ID the rights relative to all and each of the nsles which belong to His Most; Christian Majesty; the whole conformable to the true sense of the treaties of Utrecht and Paris. Amxcnm XI! Citizen! of Unit- The subjects and inhabitants of the said United States, or any one of $:m§“;;':M“3$£E them, shall not be reputed aubuius in France, and consequently shall be b,_i,,,_ exempted from the droit d’a.ubaine, or other similar duty, under what name K — " The two following articles were originally agreed to, but afterwards rescinded, to wit: Ammon: XI. It is agreed and concluded that there shall never be any duty imposed on the exportation o the melnsses that may be taken by the subjects of any of the United States from the islands of America which belong or may hereafter appertain to His Most Christian Majesty. Am·rcLn XH. _Iu compensation of the exemption stipulated by the preceding article, it is agreed and concluded that there shall never be any duties imgoeed on the exportation o any kind of merchaudize which the subjects of His Most C rietian Majesty may take from the countries and possessions, Hresent or future, of any of the thirteen United States, tor the use of the islands whw shall furnish ruelasscs. Act of France rescinding the foregoing articles: The General Congress of the'United States of North America, having represented to the King that the execution of the eleventh article of the treaty of amity and commerce, siined the sixth of February last, might be productive of inconveniences; and having; therefore, desired the suppression- of this article, consenting in return that the twel article shall likewise be considered of no effect: His Majesty, in order to give a new proof of his nfeetion, as also of his desire to consolidate the union and good correspondence established between the two States, has been pleased to consider their representations: His Majesty has consequently declared, and dues declare by those presents, that he consents to the sugpre sion of the eleventh and twelfth articles aforementioned, and that his intention is that they be considered as having never been comprehended in the treaty signed the sixth of February lust. Done at Versailles the Bret ny of the month of September, one thousand seven hnndred snd seventy-eight. GRAVIER DE VERGENNES. Act of the United States rescinding the foregoing nrticles: nncnmuox. _The Most Christian King having been pleased to regard the nt t' s d t hum by the General Congress of North America, relating trthrsgivxxthsattticlglgfelng treaty of commerce, signed the sixth of February, in the present year; and His M - eety swing, therefore, consented that the said article should be suppressed on condition that the twelfth article of the same treaty be equally regarded as of no¤e» etreet ; the abovesmd General Congress hath declared on their art, and do declare, that they conseutto the suppression of the eleventh and twelgh articles of the above-mom tioned treaty, that their rntention is, that these articles he regarded as having never been pomprnsed in the treaty signed the sixth of February. In fsith whereof, dw., B. FRANKLIN. ARTHUR LEE. JOHN ADAMS.