Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/293

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286 PUBLIC TREATIES. ‘ .e that is to say His Britannic Majesty has Ncgomtom hglmugdrfgdfhidlglediiiztiiliiary, the Right Henourable Itobert_Banl<s J enkinson, commonly called Lord Hawkesbury, one of H1s Majesty s Most Honourable Privy Conncil,and his Principal Secretary of State for Foieign Afairs; and the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, has named for their Plenipotentiary, Rufus King, Esquire, Minister Plempotentxary of the said United States to his Britannic Majesty; who have agreed to and concluded the following articles: Anrrorn I. Article vi, treaty In satisfaction and discharge of the money which the _United States ¤f 17% ¤¤¤¤ll¤d, might have been liable to pay in pursuance of the provisions of the said °‘°°I’*· "°· sixth article, which is hereby declared to be cancelled andannnlled, [S°° P· 272-] except so far as the same may relate to the execution of the said seventh article, the United States of America hereby engage to pay, and _His Britannic Majesty consents to accept, for the use of the persons described sum to be paid in the said sixth article, the sum of six hundred thousand pounds sterby °*’° U" * Wd ling, payable at the times and place, and in the manner following, that S°°t°°‘ is to say, the said sum of six hundred thousand pounds sterling shall be paid at the city of Washington, in three annual instalments of two hundred thousand pounds sterling each, and to such person or persons as shall be authorized by His Britannia Majesty to receive the same; the ilrst of the said instalments to be paid at the expiration of one year, the second instalment at the expiration of two years, and the third and last instalment at the expiration of three years next following the exchange of the ratiiications of th_is convention. And to prevent any disagreement concerning the rate of exchanges, the said payments shall be made in the money of the said United States, reckoning four dollars and forty- four cents to be equal to one pound sterling. · Aarrem II. A.-mia 3v,;,.,,.;,, Whereas it is agreed by the fourth article of the detinitive treaty of of acme cf_ 1183, peace, concluded at Paris on the third day of September, one thousand °°¤ "°°'l· seven hundred and eighty-three, between His Britannia Majesty and the [S°° P- W-] United States, that creditors on either side should meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of all bona fide debts theretofore contracted, it is hereby declared that the said fourth article, so far as respects its future operation, is hereby recognized, confirmed, and declared to be binding and obligatory on His Britannic Majesty and the said United States, and the same shall be accordingly observed with punctuality and good faith, and so as that the said creditors shall hereafter meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of their bona tide debts. Anrrronn HI. C0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is furthermore agreed and concluded that the Commissioners apapppinted under pointed in pursuance of the seventh article of the said treaty of amity, ggtjgmvilzlmfg commerce, and navigation, and whose proceedings have been suspended ,,,6,,. ,1;,,,% ‘ as aforesaid, shall, immediately after the signature of thi convention, re-assemble and proceed in the execution of their duties according to [See p.21:s.] the provisions of the said seventh article, except only that, instead of the sums awarded by the said Commissioners being made payable at the time or times by them appointed, all sums of money by them awarded to be paid to American or British claimants, according to the provisions of the said seventh article, shall be made payable in three equal instalments, the drst whereof to be paid at the expiration of one year, the second at the expiration of two years, and the third and last at the ex-