432 I>UBn_I0 TREATIES. I T A L Y. ITALY, 1868. Fen. S, 1868. CONSULAR CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -———— AND HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF ITALY, CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 8, 1868; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE JUNE 17, 1868; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT JUNE 2-2, 1868; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT WASHINGTON SEPTEMBER 17, 1868; PROCLAIMED FEBRUARY 2:1, 1889. Contracting par- The President of the UnitedStates and His Majesty the King of tics. Italy, recognizing the utility of defining the right , privileges, and immunities of consular officers in the two countries, deem it expedient to conclude a consular convention for that purpose. Accordingly, they have named: Negotiators. The President of the United_States, William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States; His Majesty the King of Italy, the Commander Marcello Cerruti, &c., &c.; Who, after communicating to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Anr101.E I. Consular emma. Each of the high contracting parties agrees to receive from the other Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents, in all its ports, cities, and places, except those where it may not be convenient to recognize such officers. This reservation, however, shall not apply to one of the high contracting parties without also applying to every other Power. " ARTICLE II. Exequaturs. Consular officers, on the presentation of their commissions in the forms established in their respective countries, shall be furnished with the necessary exequatur free of charge, and on the exhibition of this instrument they shall be permitted to enjoy the rights, prerogatives, and immunities granted by this convention. ARTICLE III. E X em ptions or Consular officers, citizens or subjects of the State by which they are consular olhcers- appointed, shall be exempt fiom arrest, except in the case of offences [S ec A r ticlo which the local legislation qualities as crimes, and punishes as such · vm-l from military billetings, from service in the militia or in the national guard, or in the regular army, and from all taxation, Federal, State, or municipal. If, however, they are citizens or subjects of the State where they reside, or own property, or engage in business there, they shall be liable to the same charges of all kinds as other citizens or subjects of the country, who are merchants or owners of property. ARTICLE IV. E umptlcn as No consular officer who is a citizen or subject of the State by which ""’““°“°°· he was appointed, and who is not engaged in business, shall be compelled to appear as a witness before the courts of the country where he m¤Y reside. When the testimony of such a consular oiiceris needecb M
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