Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/157

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cx1.344. 1874. . 127 Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, Smwriufcudents wheneveryiu his opinion, it may become necessary for the proper ad- "“‘1 k°°P°*`“· miuistration of the life-saving service, and the protection of the public property at the stations and houses of refuge herein authorized to be established, to appoint one superintendent for the coasts of Delaware and Virginia, one for the coast of Floride, one for the coasts of Lakes Erie and Ontario, one for the coasts of Lakes Huron and Superior, and one for the coast of Lake Michigan, and also a. keeper for each of said stations and houses of refuge; and the said superintendents hall have Powers and dun:-s the powers and perform the duties of inspectors of customs. of °*“P°*i¤*¤¤<]¤¤¤¤· Sec. 3. That the compensation of each of the superintendents, to be _Their compensaappointed under the provisions of the precediu g section, shall not exceed *‘°“· . , one thousand dollars per annum ; and the compensation of the keepers k£°f;§°“S“t‘°“ °* shall not exceed two hundred dollars per annum, except that those em» Rgggdgu 0 6 a n d ployed at the houses of refuge on the Florida coast shall reside in said compensut i on of houses and receive a compensation at the rate of forty dollars per mouth. !‘°°P°’° °¤ dw F10" Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to ‘d';§;§‘;“°,;]lt supmm appoint an assistant to the superintendent of the coast of Long Island tendon; in Rhode and Rhode Island, who shall perform the duties required of the super- Islandintendent at the life-saving stations within the State of Rhode Island, F?*”d°¤°° and and reside on Block Island, and for his services he shall receive nn Sa ‘"" annual salary of five hundred dollars. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to Employment or employ crews of experienced surfmen at such of the stations herein °”°“'° °f °“*`f”*°“· denominated complete stations and at such of the life-boat stations on the Pacific coast as he may deem necessary and proper, for such periods, _ and at such compensation, not to exceed forty dollars per mouth, as he C‘”“!’°“”"·*‘°“· _ma.y deem necessary and reasonable. Sec. 6. That the Secretary of the Treasury may accept the services Vclnutccr crows of volunteer crews of any of the lite-boat stations herein authorized, ‘“?I,5’ bg “°““€P‘f‘& t who shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the life- wb&ru‘]6§';1lf5°rag? saving service; and a list of the names of each crew shall be kept in uimons, the office of the Secretary of the Treasury. Such volunteers shall List of names to receive no compensation except a. sum of not more than ten dollars each *’°T‘;*;I;;ivG no com ibr every occasion upon which they shall have been instrumental in saving P 8 u S mw except, human life, and such of the medals herein authorized as they may be ctc. entitled to under the provisions hereinafter made: Provided, That no Mw ¤*¢¤<>iV¤ mcdpayment shall be made to any person who shall not have actually par- "*1“i,mvis0 ticipated in the efforts to save the life or lives rescued. ‘ ' Sec. 7. That the- Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to cause M¤d¤1¤ of honorto be prepared medals of honor, with suitable devices, to be distinguished as life—sa»ving medals of the first and second class, which shall be bestowed upon any persons who shall hereafter endanger their own lives in sa.ving,br eudeavouring to save lives from perils of the sen, within the United States, or upon any American vessel: Provided, That the medal of the iirst class shall be coulined to cases of extreme and Of *b° 6'“* °l°““· heroic during; and that the medal of the second class shall be given in Second c;w_ cases not sufficiently distinguished to deserve the medal of the tirst _ Glass: Provided, also, That no award of either medal shall be made to PFW80- any person until sufficient evidence of his deserving shell have been tiled with the Secretary of the Treasury and entered upon the records of the Department. _ _ SEO. 8. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized_ to MR ¤S}*]=¤¤<>}*_S_*Q¤‘ make all necessary regulations for the government of the life-saving °`“‘"""g “‘"""°“‘ service not inconsistent with law. SEO. 9. Thnt the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized Disposal of cnn- ¢USpbSe of, to the best advantage, alter due condemnation by boatrd of d°¤¤¤¢>d =¤*·¤¢=1¤=*»· survey, such articles or materials belonging to the liiesznving; service us may, trom long continued use or other cause, become unserviceable and the proceeds of such sale shall be covered into the Treasury.