FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gu. 455. 187-1. 225 For grounds south of Executive Mansion, ten thousand dollars. Grounds south of For the Smithsonian Grounds, ten thousand dollars. EX°°“Pi'° M'"-‘€‘°“· For Armory Square, inclosiug on two sides with posts and chain, and G,§,::,Q;h °° D I P for asphalt walks, five thousand dollars. ,;,.,,,0,,, Squ,,,e_ For four; reservatipns between Lfhird and Sixth streets grading, exea- t R¤¤¤r,{_=;;¤i$>¤;1 b ed rating wa ks, ave in and as alt for same and iuelosin . five thou- ‘l’°°° " ““ sand dollars. gr g P , g, smh °"°°*’°' For inclosing Lincoln Square and. for purchase of trees and seats, Lincoln Square. tive thousand dollars. For improving the portion of Franklin Square on K street lately Franklin Squaw, added to those grounds, and for grading and completing edges of walks, and for granite coping for fountain-bowl, and planting trees, three thousand dollars. _ For a pedestal for Ball’s bronze statue of Lincoln, to be placed in Statue of L i ¤- Lincoln Square, three thousand dollars. °°1¤· For continuing improvement of Judiciary Square; purchase of seats, Judiciary Squnre. trees, and evergreens ; and for fountain, ten thousand dollars; and the jail-building situated on said square shall be sold as soon as practicable, Jailbuilding to bc. and the money obtained therefor shall be placed in the Treasury to the ¤°m· credit of the fund for the improvement of said square. _ For improving various reservations, twenty thousand dollars. tiXlQ"°"” ’°“°"‘“ For repair of the various fountains in the public grounds, one thou- po{mt,,;,,,,_ sand dollars. For ordinary repairs of propagatinghouse and extension of the same, P r o pa g atin g - three thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤¤- d ger ordinary care and protection of Lafayette Square, two thousand Lafayette square. o ars. For annual repair of fences, two thousand dollars. Fences. For manure and hire of horses and carts for hauling the same, eight Msnnro. thousand dollars. ~ 1 t. 0 . ‘ For painting iron fences, four thousand dollars. wigs n '” =· "°“ For purchase and repair of seats, one thousand dollars. scm_ For purchase and repair of tools, two thousand dollars. Tools. For trees, treeboxes, lime, and whitewashing, five thousand dollars. b T’°°¤ *'·¤d *"°°· 1 For flowers, flower-pots, twine, wire, and glasses, one thousand dol- °§§Sg,w Us M d M8- flower- ots,&o. For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars. Snovgand ice. d lior purchase of young trees and plants for nursery, two thousand Trees and plants- 0 ars. . For treemarkers and marking trees, one hundred dollars; for making Tree-markers. pages and boxes for sparrows, two hundred and nfty dollars ; for abating Sparrow urges. nmsances, one thousand dollars; for constructing a fountain and for Nuismms. asphalt in the circle at the intersection of Vermont and Rhode Island F o un t a i u a s avenues, five thousand dollars- for inclosing and improving the tri- Rb<><i<> I¤l¤¤<i ¤·¤<I angular reservation on Pennsylvania avenue and Twenty-first street, V?1E;‘;;’;*;’*1:‘;“‘;§:·cr_ two thousand dollars. vm0n_ For continuing the improvement of reservation numbered three, ten Reservation No. 2. thousand _ For improving the grounds of the old canal, ten thousand dollars. Canal grounds. Repairs and fuel for the Executive Mansion: For annual repairs of _Exccutive Munthe Executive Mansion, ten thousand dollars · for care of, and refurnish- ¤l°¤· ing, the Executive Mansion, ten thousand dollars ;` for fuel for the Executive Mansion and green-houses, five thousand dollars; and for care of and necessary repairs to, the green-house, the unexpended balance ot: appropriation heretofore made is hereby rendered available. For lighting the Capitol and Executive Mansion as follows: For gas, Lighting Capitol, thirty-five. thousand dollars; for pay of lamp-lighters, gas fitting, plumb- Uwing, lamps, lump-posts, and for repairs of all sorts, fifteen thousand dollars; for fuel for watohmerys lodges and for the green-houses at the propagating gardens, one thousand dollars. For annual repairs at the navy yard and upper bridges, seven thou- Bridges. sand dollars; for repairing and extending water-pipes, purchase of \Vater-pipes. apparatus to clean them, and for cleaning tho springs for supplying the -Vol. 18, pt. 3-15