230 FORTY-THIBD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 455. 1874. Secretary of Tr¢¤¤- Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to in. '!’Y."?’.‘“‘l“?°CL"t° quire into‘the amounts of liabilities due from the Choctaw tribe of if§’}fQ‘}Q,,§ °°` Indians to individuals, as referrgd to mmaitmlesdtvgglve aingftthigteenbot .the treaty of June twenty-secon cig en un r ant y- ye e- V°1’ x"P‘614' tween the United States and the hCh0ctaw and Cpmkasaw tribeslof Ind' ns and to re ort the same to the next session o ongress wit a R°P°** *° C °“ ‘ viewaofbscertainiii) what amounts if any, should be deducted from the g 2 g""' sum due from the United States to said Choctaw mib? fo;) the purpgse f e ablin the said tribe to pay itsliabilities an there y to em le Congress td; provide a fund to be held for educational and other purposes for said tribe, as provided for lin article tgilgéeeg of the trsaty aforesaid Payment of cw- Sec. 4. That the clause in the act en*‘ nac ma ing appropria- ¤“;’g,*Q*°:g °;2;8$*;, tions for sundry civil expenses of thedGo5ernment £or the éigcal ygar -· ’ ‘ ’ending June thirtieth eighteen hundre an seventy- our an or other xm' p` 5% purposes," approved lilarch third, eighteen hundred and ’seventy-three, which provides thath*‘ the Secretlary of gbe Tfiegsurly beéagsl hedlsliegeby, directed to pay to the census-ta ers o eig n un r an six y, or their assigns, the sums set to their credit now in the Treasury of the United States, any provision of existing laws to the contrary notwith- To include mar- standing,” is hereby reenacted and declared to include as entitled to mls wd **¤¤*¤*¤¤*S· payment and to be paid, both marshals and assistant marshals employed in taking said census . A m ez dmentlof Sec. 5. That section six of the act entitled “Ar;_ alpt énaking app;_·o- ¤°°°i°¤} °°P*“ M priations for the consular and diplomatic service o the overnment or egg §;$g;'“;’:t ***5}-the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and gang, ]1,;g,~;4_ · for other purposes,” approved June eleventh, eiggteen hundiged and Ame, cn. 275, p. seventy-four be amended by striking out' the io owing wor s viz: 70- “bConi:1ingen}f expenses of foreign intercourse proper, and of all missions a roa suc as _ Sec. To enable the Secretary of War to carry out the provisions of Relief of sutferers the act approved April twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-
- Y ° viii9W °,f four, entitled *‘An act to provide for the relief of the persons suffering
&f,’j”°' '“°’“°'PP" from the overilow of the Lowe1·_Mississippi River " and also of the joint A nig, 0;,, ies,. I,, resolution authorizing the President to issue Army rations and clothing 34. to destitute people on the Tombigbee, Warrior, and Alabama Rivers, approved May twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventyrfour, the P ,R s_ N _ 9_ sum of four hundred thousand dollars is hereby_ appropriated, out of any out G 0 money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,_:tbr the purpose of purchasing supplies of food to be issued under his direction to any and all classes of destitute or helpless persons living on or near the Lower Mississippi, Tombigbee, Warrior, and Alabama Rivers, who have been rendered so by reason of the recent overflow , and that the Secretary of M m to com War make detailed reports to the Congress of the expenditure under gms? · this act, and of the act and joint resolution aforesaid: Provided, That the authority hereby conferred upon the Secretary of War shall expire thegrsgggtgg on thefnast day of Sailpteitnbernpghteefi hundred and] selveptiy-four; eéng none o e moneys ere y or ormer y appropriate s a e expen e 1’ IB"' except in cases where the Secretary of War shall be satisfied that there is an actual and pressing case of destitution, and that such destitution - is directly caused by said overflow: Provided further, That any balances U d d bal Elemmning utplextpeitidfd mom tithe ap1proplria3ion·provided for in the act gf nexpen e - e wenty· ir o pri eig teen un re and seventy-four aforesai '*”°° "”‘“1°·M°· may be used for the purposes expressed in either said act or, said joint resolution: And provided urther That the Score of War ma use 1 tary Y any of the money hereby or formerly appropriated for the relief of the Tennessee River destitute people upon the Tennessee River when satisfied that their included_ - necessities arise from the recent overflow of said river. Approved, June 23, 1874. '