232 FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. UH. 456. 1874. Postalcarda For manufacture of postal one hundred and sixty-eight thou. sand two hundred and seventy dollars. . D is t rib ntin g For pay of agents and assistants to distribute postal cards, five thou- ¤S°¤*°· sand six hundred dollars. Mail-depredations. For payments on account of msglidepredations and for special agents, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Mail-bags, &e. For mail-ba gs and mail-ba g catchers, one hundred and eight thousand d ll g y o ars. - Locks und keys. For mail-locks and keys, dfty thousand dollars. Postmarking, &e. For postmarkin and canceling stamps, nine thousand dollars. os ·rou e maps. <01‘prepa!‘lllg all pu is lll po - 11 S 1 y usnll dollars. P t t I`gd bl' h' g stro temap th’rt tho dd ll Foreign buisness. For balances due foreign countries, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Délfgf ° { P ° “¥or gen: of post-offices, threehhundred and ftfty thousand dollars. Fuel. ior ue for post-offices one undred and nfty thousand dollars. Lights. For light for post-offices, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Stationery, cse. For stationery and miscellaneous items, sixty thousand dollars. Registered-pack- For registered-package envelopes and seals, forty-two thousand six ¤g¤ envelopes. dw- hundred and eighty dollars. _ omeiel envelopes. For official envelopes for postmasters, sixty thousand dollars. Deed-letterretnrn For envelopes for returning dead letters, tour thousand five hundred envelopes. and eighty-five dollars. . . trees to Eersnels, 5 Fo: fegs tp (plsinlrsbals, attorneys, and clerks of courts, seven thousand e orneys,_ e. vc un re dollars. _ E“g““"”9> &°· Fgriepgraving, printing, and binding drafts and warrants, three thousan dollars. Miscellaneous. · For miscellaneous items, two thousand five hundred dollars. B Stssvphnp mail- Sec. 2. That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be ne- °"‘°° ° ‘"°°“" gessarp be, taénd th; same are hereby, appropriated for the year ending une irtie eig teen hundred and seventy-tlve out of an mone in the Treasury hot otherwise appropriated, namely z, y y sen pmwisco, For steamship service between San Francisco, Japan, and China. live Japan, end China; hundred thousand dollars. ` United states and For steamship service between the United States and Brazil, one hun- B“*“1» _ dred and nfty thousand dollars. . _ m§“'é§;g$fif§° Isdlggsstséargtghipa sergice begvgeeip San Francisco and the Sandwich 1 d _ _ y- ve thousand dollars. Mohiciui postage For diiiclal postage stamps, nine hundred and ifty thousand dollars. stiiugdtsbooks Foir :ll6_];;1PGh8S%.(§` lpw books for the use of the PostOffice Depart- · men wo thousand dollars. _Conditional den-_ Sec. That if the revenues of the Post-Office Department shall be 35E0F **l‘P’°P’*“· iigsgfficiengto rtneet ltlhe Jtppropriations made by this act, then the Slim ' o ve mi lon our un red and ninet seven tho sa dht l1 dred . and forty-two dollars, or so much thereyof as may ble dlecggary, bl:. and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out ot any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the rev- (glélftggi the I:10stiOih3e Departgnent for the year ending June thirtieth, n un re an seven y- ve. Revised, Statutes Silo. 4. That the Itevised Statutes of the United States shall not be not to be published published by the United States in any newspaper, anything in existing m ¤<>W¤l>¤P¤¤¤- lags to gh;} contrary notwithstanding. ` Rates of postage Ec. . hat on and after the iirst day of Januaht h d ed <>:ri¤;g;;;Ii;P¤¤¤ mid and seventy-five, all newspapers and periodical publlhatignsihxdileldufrhm P · a known oihco of publication or news agency, and addressed to regular _ subscribers or news agents, postage shall be charged at the following byvganmir dgehvered Egg; bgpugegspzpers and periidical publications, issued weekly and ·· _ _ n y an once a wee two cents for each o d e f t' _ theredf and on those issued less, frequently than OIEBOU; vvgekjashheg Proviso. cents for each pound or fraction thereof: Provided That nothing in this actshull be held to change or amend section ninety nine of the act en-