nonrrr-THIRD oononnss. sms. 1. on. 456, 4m. 1874. 237 required by n. preceding section: Provided, That nothing in this act Pwvi¤¤· shall be construed or intended to afoot any penalties orforfeitures which have heretofore accrued under the provisions of the, sections hereby amended." _ S20. 13. That hereafter the postage on public documents mailed by p.,sm..0 on Dunno any member of Congress, the President. or head of any Executive De- dooumoics. partment shall be ten cents for each bound volume, and on unbound` documents the smne rate as that on newspapers mailed from a known office of publication to regular subscribers; and the words “Publio Document " written or printed thereon, or on the wrapper thereof, and certified by the signature of any member of Congress, or by that of the cmlncmou. President, or head of any Executive Department shall be deemed si. sufhcient certificate that the same is a public document; and the term Tcym ·-,,,,1,;;,, ‘* public document " is hereby deiiucd to be all publications printed by d0cumeut" defined, order of Gougres , or either House thereof : .Pro·u·idcd, That the postage postage on gm,- on eaoh copy of the daily Congressional Record mailed from the city of gressioual Record. Washington as transient matter shall be ono cent. Approved, J uno 23, 1874. CHAP. 457.- n not makin appropriations for the re air, reserv tion, an om- _ ·pletio11 of cgtain public €·orE£ or? rivers and lmrborg and Igor other purposgs? Be it cngzcted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of River ,,,,,1 1,,,,;,,,. money be, and are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money appropriations. in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, for the repair, preservation, and completion of the following public works hereinafter named: For continuing the improvement of the entrance to the inner harbor Du Lum of Du Luth, ten thousand dollars. For ooutiuuin g the improvement of.the harbor at Ontouagou, twenty- 0,m,,,,,g,,,,_ three thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Marquette, fifteen M,,,q,,,.,m,_ thousand dollars. ` For continuing the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, pox ,,,,,1 WMM. three hundred thousand dollars. Not exceeding twenty-Eve thousand sin Rivers. dollars of the above may be used for the purchase of such realestate Puri. Mw mw M as may be required for the right of way, or for flowing, in the oomple- ““"‘· tion of the Fox and Wisconsin improvement. For continuing the improvement of the harbor nt Green Bay, Wis- ?"°°“ B"Y· cousin, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Menomonee, Michi- M<>¤¢>¤¤<>¤¤¤· gan and Wisconsin, twentyhve thousand dollars. _ For continuing the improvement of the harjaor of refuge at the on- St¤rz<>¤¤ Bay Ow trance of the Sturgeon Bay Canal, ton thousand dollars. ““l· _ For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Two Rivers, Wis- Tw¤ Rwsrscousin, fifteen thousand dollars. _ · _ For continuing theimprovement of the harbor at Manitowoc, Wiscou- M¤mt<>w¤¤- sin, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Sheboygan, Wis- S1¤¤¤¤>yg=~¤. cousin, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Ports Washington, Port Washington. Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars. . For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Racine, Wisconsin, Rooms. ten thousand dollars. ‘ For oontinuin g the improvement of the harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin, Kenosha. ten thousand dollars. . For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Chicago, seventy- Omega. five thousand dollars. . Forcontinuing the improvement of the harbor at Calumet, Illinois, Calumet. twentydivo thousand dollars,