FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 459; 1874. 247 date of its iirst convening and organizing; and should it befound improoticable to complete the work of the said court before the expiration T,,,,,, of ,,0 ur, of the said one year, the President may, by proclamation, exmnd the time m e y be exumaou of the duration thereof_ to a period not more than six months beyond by 1>w¤1¤~mMi¤¤ not the expiration of the said one year; and in such case all the provisions '“°"° *’b°·“ HX or this acl; sgml nel taken and new to be nie same as though me een- "“‘°““’°· ¥""· muance o e said court ad been ori inall s lingt to whiichéét may be thus extended. g y had by tm act at the ECTION . hat all records, documents, or other a rs which now · 8 . are or hereafter, during the continuance of the court, rgayiome into pos- Egttzogzdcf, rrloijnclilesession of the Department of State, in relation to such claims, and {:"*“!°"*°*`S”°*° *° which shall be found necessary to the examination and adjudication of ,,°;,dQ°:;v°r°d,§§°B§°,f}`,};Qi° the same, shall, upon the order or requisition of said court, be delivered gw, mq ’ to the court for thatpurpose, and to be given such weight as evidence as the court shall think just. _Sl§OTION 10. That each of the said judges shall have authority to ad- An thority qt minister oaths and aiiirmatious, and to take the depositions of claim. judgesto administer ants, parties, and witnesses, in all matters pertaining to the presenta °“° “» &°· tion or examination of said claims; and if any person shall knowingly and willfully swear or aiiirm falsely in such examination or deposition False swearing to to any matter or fact material to the investigation of the claim touching he deemed perjury. which such person is examined, or if any person, whether claimant or witness, shall so swear or affirm falsely to the contents of auy'memorial, petition, atlidavit deposition, or other paper containing any matter or fact material in the examination of any claim pending before, or to be presented before said court, or shall, in giving testimony, or in swearing or aillrming t0·any deposition, atlidavit, or other paper, before any officer authorized to administer oaths or to take such testimony, so swear or aihrm falsely to any matter or thing material in the examination of any claim pen ing or to be presented before said court, every such per- _ son so Swearing or athrming falsely as aforesaid shall be deemed guilty of perjury, the same as if such false oath or affirmation had been taken in ajudicial proceeding in any of the courts of the United States, and shall be liable to indictment and trial in the district or circuit court of the United State for the district in which such perjury shall have been committed, or in the proper courts of the United States for the Territory or District of Columbia in which such perjury shall have been committed, and shall, upon conviction, suffer such punishment as in nrovided Penalty. by the laws of the United States for that.o&`ense. . SECTION 11. 'That it shall be the duty of said court to receive and What olnimstobe examine all claims admissable under this act that may be presented to received and examit, directly resulting from damage caused by the so-called insurgent *“°d· ` cruisers Alabama, Florida, and their tenders, and also all claims admissa- l ble under this act directly resulting from damage caused by the so-called insurgent cruiser Shenandoah after her departure from Melbourne on the eighteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and to . decide upon the amount and validity of such claims, in coniormity with Rules or decision. the provisions hereinafter contained, andaccording to the principles of law and the merits of the several cases. All claims shall be veritied by Claims to ,,8 m_ oath of the claimant, and filed in said court within six months next after fied and med when. the organization thereof as provided in section light of this act; and no claim shall be received, docketed, or conside that shall have not been so filed within the time aforesaid; but every such unrepresented U,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,;,6,; claim shall 'be deemed and held to be Iinallyand conclusively waived claims. · and barr d. . Smcrrgu 12. That no claim shall be admissable or allowed by said wm, 0;,,;,,,, ,,,,, court for any loss or damage for or in respect tc which the party injured, Sino admissible ur his assignees or legal representatives, shall have received compensation vgigggojudemnity or indemnity from any insurancecompauy, insurer, or otherwise; but vm mmm, from if suchcompensatiou or indemnity S0 FQOB1V6d Bbw}! DM? have b¢¢¤ ¢¢1¤¤·l insurance, cm.; to the loss or dama e so actually suifewd, allowance ¤{¤F M madé fo1‘ Allowance for .11:. the diference. Ang in no case shall any claim — be admitted or allowed ference;