Q FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 5, G, 7. 1874. Pnv of navy. For pay of the uawy, three hundred thousand dollars. Contingent; sx- Féxrncentlngent expenses of the Nqivy Department, twenty-five l}hOl1· l*·‘¤•¤·*¤· SM1 ( 0 lnrs. Navigation. For the Bureau of Navigation, twenty thousand dollars. <m1¤nnc¤. For the Bureau of Ordnance, five huudregl thousand dollars. liqnipment an d sor the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, five hundred thousand Recruiting. 0] 3,;-g_ Yards and Ducks. For the Bureau of Yards and Docks, twenty thousand dollars. 1>l—m·2si¤¤¤ und Her tl1B.Bll1‘€‘il.ll n' Provisions and Globlung, three hundred thousand (`lnllnng. (0 urs, sn·mn.1anginssi-- For the Bureau of Steam-Engineering, three hundred and thirty-iivo ills- thousand dollars. Construction and For the Bureau of Construction and Repair, two million dollars. R“‘1“*l"· Approved, December 31, 1873. Jam. 5, 1874· CHAP. 5.-Au act to establish a post route from the village of L’Anse, in the "` `*V` " ""”`"“ county of Houghton und State of Michigan, to Huron Bay, in szml couniy and State. Bc it enacted by the Sonata and House of Representatives of the United ]*est—i·<>nd msn-Smfcs 0j`An1crica in Congress assembled, That a. post route irom the 1¤»l¤c<1i¤ 1\1ic\¤is;¤-¤ village of L’Anse, in the county of Houghton and State of Michigan, to Huron Bay, in said county and State, be, and the same is hereby, established. Approved, J nnunry.5, 1874. Juu.6, 1874. CHAP. 6.—An not relating to the limitation of steam pressure of vessels used "——""""" exclusively for towing and carrying freight on the Mississippi river and its tribu- {aries. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United lvlodiiicatiion of Suites of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of an act;
- 8*}- °h·}O0· 94:}·en1it-lcd “Au act to provide for the better security of lile on vessels
$8972; uivivjiz xvi}; propelled in whole or in part by stcmn/’ Sw., approved February twenty- l,_g;;_ eigm,h, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, so mr as they relate to the limitation ot stcmn·pressure of stenniboats used exclusively for towing Maximum mmm and cariying irciglrt on the Mississippi river and its tributaries, are pres urn for freight, llC1`Gb_Y S0 lil? Nl0d1H0d {LS to S\1l)S‘l}1Cl1t0 foI' SHCI] b03.tS OHS l.\l1[](]l'Q(] mld and tow hours pu iiity pounds of S{ C{llll pressure in place 0i' one hundred and ten pounds, g‘°é£Q”*“°*l’P* “"‘ as provided in sand acl. for the smuelzn·<l pressure upon standard boilers ' of fort;y-two inches diameter, and of plates of onequnrter of an inch in
1Tcrinib or super- thiclmcss; Hl1d Sl1Cl1 bouts nmy, on the written permit of the supervise
vmiugnuspccfvv- yyygingpgetqr of the district in which such boats shall carry on their business, be permitted to carry steam above the standard pressure of one hundred and ton pounds; but. not exceeding the standard pressure of 0110 hundred and fifty pounds to the square inch. Approved, Jzuiuamy 6,· 1874. Jnu.8, 1874. '].—~Au acl; to so amend the laws relative to internal revenue as 1:0 allow el¤st.illury warehouses to be continued in use after changes have occurred in the maumgoment of the business » Be it enactect by the Senate and House of-Representatives of the United
B:? 3L d{?**l;z2{ States ofAnzcmca zn Congress assembled, That; when from death or {rem ‘,_,mI.s in bgsmess any other cause there sbnll be si change in the person, lirm or compnn y
iu cm,,;,, cases engaged in the business of distilling nt: any distillery, und the person, finn or company flint. by reason of such ehnngc ceases to carry on said business at suvll distillery has at the time of such change spirits in the