FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 5, 7, 8, 9. 1874. 293 the improvement of Chelsea street, bordering on the United States navy—yard, inwhat was formerly known as Charlestown, Massachusetts. Approved, December 19, 1874. CHAP. 5.-Au act relating to the disposition of certain lands to be reclaimed in see- Dec. 21, 1874. tions fourteen, twenty-t ree, and twenty-six, in township sixteen north, of range ‘—;······· twenty, ID the county of Sheboygan, in the State of Wisconsin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House q/' Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the bed of the Release ofcemin marsh or pond in sections fourteen, twenty-three, and twenty-six, in WMP i¤¤d¤ i¤ town bip sixteen north, of range twenty east of the fourth principal me- §h°R‘{/?;§Q;1s£°“Qg ridian, in the coun? of Sheboygan, in the State of Wisconsin, as shall ${f25 per Mlm, or may be reelaime by draining the water from the same, shall be owned when drained. ‘ and held, so far as any rights or interests of the United States are concerned, by the owners of the lands abutting upon said marsh or pond, and draining the same to the centre or thread thereof; and divided among the several owners adjoining and abutting said marsh or pond, according to the rules of law, upon payment by said adjoining owners into the treasury of the United States of one dollar and twentyfive cents per acre for the amount of land that has been or may be so reclaimed. Approved, December 21, 1874. CHAP, 7.-An act reserving for the use of Congress one hundred and fifty copies of Dec. 24, 1874. the Revised Statutes authorized to be printed by the not of June twentieth eighteen i—~—--—-— hundred and seventy-four. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the one hundred and fifty Om, hundred and copies of the Bevised Statutes of the United States bound and delivered fifty copies of the to the two houses of Congress by the Congressional Printer, under the R¤vi¤¤¤ SQ¤t¤¤·=¤ concurrent resolution agreed to on the eleventh of December eighteen ““‘“‘ hundred and seventy-four for that purpose be taken and reserved from ‘ the·number ordered by the Secretary of State under the act of Congress passed the twentieth day of June eighteen hundred and.seventy-four. *""°·I’· 11* Approved, December 24,.1874. CHAP. 8.—An act to enable the Sugreme Court of the District of Columbia to pro- Dec. 28, 1874. coed wit its jurybusiness. L Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That until the first day of Feb- Grand ami petit ruary, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, it shall be lawful for the su- J*;,"é**3uEb}g*;g’ preme court of the District of Columbia, in its various terms, to cause gnu; fm; 8mb_ to be drawn by lot and impaneled from time to- time the proper- num- jug 5,4,,* ber of persons for grand and petit jurors in said court from those whose names are now deposited with the clerk of the said court ·in the general jury box as jurors of the District of Columbia; and such panels so drawn and constituted shall be deemed and held to be valid and legal: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to impair the right of eha.1- lenge to individual jurors, as new existing by law. Approved, December 28, 1874. · CHAP. 9.-·-An act providing for the authentication of the revised statutes of the Dm 28 1874 gawd States and for preserving the originals of all laws m the Department of .T Be it enacted b' the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of Awuewécazén Congress assembled, That the certificate to the printed vi€.$f3°;·l*Q°;°h1§; volume of the revised statutes of the United States required by section to be made_ ’ two of “An act providing for publication of the revised statutes and Am, p. 113.