1#0mY-m11x11D oommmss. sms. II. ou. 22, za, zu, 26. 1875. 303 CHAP. 22.-Au act declaratory of the act entitled “An not to amend the customs- Jn.u.22,1B75. revenue laws, and to repea.1moieties," approved June twenty-second, eighteen hun- ——-L--· dred and seventy-four. ~ Ba it enacted by the Senate umd House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That nothing in the nineteenth Coumuiug. section of the act entitled "An act to amend the customs-revenue laws, 187% °· 391» ¤· l9= and to repeal moieties," approved June twenty-second, eighteen hun- am' P‘190' dred and seventy-four, shall be construed to affects any authority, power, or right which might theretoibre have been lawfully exercised by any court, judge, or district attorney of the United States to obtain the testimony of an accomplice in any crime against, or fraud upon the Testimony ofaccusboms-revenue laws, on any trial or proceeding for a, fine, penalty, or ¤<>¤¤1>1i¤¤¤¤<> fr=w<1¤ forfeiture under said laws, by a. discontinuance or dismissal, or by an g‘;61°“"°”’“‘*°"°‘ engagemeubto discontinue or di miss anyproceediugs against such ac- °'w°' complice. , Approved, January 22, 1875. . CHAP. 23.v-An act to provide for compensating the cmcers of the Government in Jam.22, 1875. observing the Tmusit of Venus. ·—·~——-—-—— Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Represmtatéves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the regular compensations Compensation , and allowances, to all oiicers of the Government in the partie engaged &°·· °F °m°m $>¤· in observing the Transit of Venus, shall be paid from the 'appropriations §§°£t'“0§b$;;;Z¥ for the support of the branches of public service to which the said offi- how Pm_ ’ cers are severally attached. Approved, January 22, 1875. CHAP. 25.-—Au act to enable the Commissioner of Agriculture to make a special Jam. 25, 1815. distribution of seeds. j-——— Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the sum of thirty thousand Appropxiation. dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in — the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Commissioner of Agriculture to make a. special distribution of seeds to the portions of mgésgibnétiéu of _11 OIOYS glggtcggnfglygghich have suffered from gmsshopper ravages duung the by grasshoppers. v Approved, January 25, 1875. O CHAP. 26.-An ut authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to grant Jun. 28, 1875. a patent for certain land in the Territory of Arizona. "—‘*"‘_‘· Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Suzie2sof America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of the Pntembofpownot General Land Qfiice be, md ho is hereby, authorized to include, under Yum? *0 1¤¤1¤d·> the patent; for ;§.e town-site of the town of Yuma, county of Yuma, °°"""‘“]““d“· and Territory of Arizona, that part of the Fort Yuma military reservation {nob exceeding ten acres of land in all,) restored to the public domain under the act; of Congress entitled “An ecb authorizing the 1Sy4,c_M5; a,m,_ Secretary of War to relinquish and turn over to the Interior Depart- p. 201. ment such parts of certain reservations in the Territory of Arizona. as mziy be no longer required for military purposes," approved June tweniaysecond, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved, January 28, 1875.