FOBTYTHIBD CONGRESS. Sess. II. 011.,35, 36. 1875. 307 and upon approval thereof the same shall be noted u n the townshi - - plats m said office; and thereafter·all lands over whigh) the line of said ,u{,‘$§,'z°»:§’ mssé? road shall pass shall be sold, located, or disposed of by the United ri nit or way. Statesilsuhgect tosuch right of way so located. as aforesaid: Promied, grime for com- Tbatt e hue of said road shall beeompleted within ten years thereafter : P1°““8 ’°“d· Brgmdedfurther, That this act shall not take effect on any Lands to which any bona fide preemption or homestead claim has attached before Prior homestead the dedmte location of the line of road, and the notice of the same has °·.“d P"°‘°“‘P'*i°“ been given to the land-office in the district where the same is located. mgm P'°t°°°°d' _ SEO. 3. That the rights herein granted shall not preclude the construe Rights manga tion of other railroads or telegraph-lines through any canyon, defile, or to other companies pass on the route of said road, or the crossing of the same at grade by other railroads. X SEO. 4. _That said company shall locate its road within three years Location auawn. from the passage of this act, and complete the said railroad within ten struction, when to years from the same date, failing in which, this act shall be null and void. b° °°mP1°*°‘r . Sno; 5._ That Congress hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, or Right or amenarepeal this act at any time that the public interest may require it. mm °' ’°P°**· Approved, February 5, 1875. CHAP. 36.·-Au not to amend existing customs and internal-revenue laws, and for F°b·8· 1875* °l'~h°1' P¤!·'P°¤6¤· A Post 340. B0 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the date of _C t d the passage of this act, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed on the imp`;:,';"" °"°° importation of the goods, wares, and merchandise hereinafter specihed, the following rates of duty shall be exacted, namely: On spun silk, for S .1k .1k. filling, in skeins or cops, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on silk in gugutgsgfgil? the gum, not more advanced than singles, tram, and thrown or organ- sewing mk, ’ zine, thirty-five per centumad valorem; on floss-silks, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on sewing-silk, in the gum or purined, forty per centum ad valorem; on lastings, mohair cloth, silk twist, or other man u- factures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, or t0Cl°*h°1**“ F°’1b“**· form, or cut in such manner as to be it for buttons exclusively, teu per 'éQ,§§B “:}"§,,fQ;h ccntum ad valorem; on all goods, wares, and merchandise not other- gilk is L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wise herein provided for, made of silk, or of which silk is the compo- material of chief nent material of chief value, irrespective of the classification thereof v¤1¤<->. &¢=· _ * for duty by or under previous laws, or of their commercial designation, t G00d? gif Whwh sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That this act shall not apply wzfuflx {Q} Xofxlggf to goods, wares, or merchandise which have, as a component material ,,,,,,4, ,,,,,,.,,;,,1 in thereof, twenty-five per centum or over in value of cotton, tiax, wool, or cotton, sax, wool, worst8d_ · .OI.` WOT8h9d. Sec. 2. That from and 'after the passage of this act, in lieu of the duties new imposed by law on the merchandise hereinafter enumerated, imported from foreign countries, there shall be levied, collected and paid the following duties, that is to say: Sm, . On all still winesimported in casks, forty cents per gallon. _ '"“°" On all still wines imported in bottles, one dollar and sixty cents per case of one dozen bottles, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles, containing each not more than one pint; and any excess beyond those quantities found in such bottles shall be subject to as duty of five cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall he collected on Imported wines H10 b0i7iGl€S: Provided, That any wines imported containing 'more than containing macro twenty-four per centum of alcohol shall be forfeited to the United States: ;§r“°‘;¤m:l“0{;,‘;;}{ Provided ako, That there shall be an allowance of five per centum, and ML no more, on all effervescing wines, liquors, cordiais, and distilled spirits, Deduction fo r in b¤¤¤l¤¤, to bib déductcd from the invoice quantity in lieu of breakage. breakage-