FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS; Sess. II. Ch. 36,37,39. 1875. 31*3 than the duty actually paid, such person or persons shall forfeit triple ' the amount wrongfully or fraudulently claimed or sou‘ ht to be obtained, or thosum of iivo hundred dollars, at the election of t§c Secretary of the _ Trcgasury, to be recovered as in other cases of forfeiture provided fo; in F°'f°‘*“‘°· the mternal revenue laws. _` ` Sec. 26. That the time limited for the redemption of direct tax lands _Extc¤¤io¤ _ of by the act entitled “An act to provide for the redemption and sale of g'.'“° €°" ‘°‘}°°’3'“€ lands held by the United States under tho several acts lovying direct "°° pax au °' taxes, and for other purposcs,” approved Juno eighth, eighteen lauudmd 1872, c. 337. s. 1, and seventy-two, bo, and the same is hereby, extended thz- the period of V·17·P·330· one yem from Juno eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, at the expiration of which time the Commissioner of Intorna.1 Revenue shall ` proceed to coll the lands as provided by section four of said act. Approved, February 8, 1875. ‘ . CHAP. 37.-—An act in regard to the Tlrioit (of His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Feb,!), 1875. S M1 S. ·*‘";"_*'*' Bc it omacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of twcn ty-tivo ApPmmm,q,,_ thousand dollars bc, and the sumc is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any'mo¤ey,_ in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expenses attending the visit of his Majesty, the King of Hawqiian Ezgcnscocfxing Islands, and suite, in the United Statos;—the same, or so much thereof ¤*` ¤W*=“m¤ Ist as may be necessary, to be expended under tho direction of the Sccro— ““d“· tm; of State, hud on vouchers to be filed in the Treasury Department, gm; a statement thereof to be reported to Congress by the Secretary of tate. Approved, February_ 9, 1875. CHAP. 39.-Au act making appropriations for fortifications sind other works of defense 1;.,1,,10, 1875. for the fiscal your ending unc thirtioth, eighteen hundred and seventy-mx. ————-——-——· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tiw United States of America m Congress assembled, That tho following sums bc, Apprggriutions and the same arc hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- M Wm °¤¤°¤¤· ury not otherwise appropriated, for the following fortiiicationsaud other worksof defense, for tho dsca.1 you ending Juno thirticth, oightcon hundred and seventy-six, namely: For Fort Preble, Portland Harbor, Maine, ten thousand dollars. F°¤* P*°bl·>- For Fort Scam mel, Portland Harbor, Maine, twenty thousand dol- Fort Scammcl. lars. For completing batteries on Gcrrishc’s Island, and at Jorx·y’s Point, §¤¤i¤hq’¤ {g*=;*¤<1 Portsmouthsflarbor, New Haéngshim, twenty thousand dollars. ““ J°"y “ °‘”* Fgrdliattcry at Portland H ,P0rtla.nd Harbor, Maine, twenty thou. P<>¤>i¤¤d H€=>" san dollars. - For Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, twenty-five thou- F°¤‘* Wm"- sand dollars. . For battery at Long Island Head, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, L<>¤z I¤l¤¤d thirty thousand dollars. H"°'d‘ ` For Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, fiftcou thousand dollars. Fort Adams. . For fort on Dutch Island, west entrance to Narragansett Bay, Rhoda Dum Island. Island, twenty thousand dollars. Eur Fort Trumbull, New Loudon Harbor, Connecticut, twenty thou- Fm Tmmbuusand dollars. . . . V _ , _ Fgrdfcnit on Wil1ot’s Point, East River, New York, twcntw-tivo thou- W¤u°°'¤ P°*¤*~ san dollars. I For Fort Schuyler, East River, New York, twenty-tivo thousand dol- Fm $°h¤¥*°'· BIB- , .