FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1875. 383 sUR.v‘r1Y1NG THE. PUBLIC LANDS. For surveying the public lands in Louisiana, at rates not exceeding sumiyiu an e twelve dollars per linear mile for township and ten dollars for section Rvbliq Mugs i¤ lines, fifteen thousand dollars. And it is hereby provided that, out of °“‘“‘““”*· the appropriation for surveying the public lands in Louisiana for the tiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-ilve, the 18-,4 c ,,55 mm sum of four thousand two hundred dollars may be expended in paying 212,` ’ ' for clerical service in the office of the surveyor-general. For surveying the public lands in Florida, at rates not exceeding Florida,. twelve dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for town-‘ ship, and ten dollars for section lines, and for closing up the expenses of the office so far as relates to the surveying of the public lands, ten thousand dollars. " For surveying the public lands in Minnesota, at rates not exceeding M;m,,_.,m;,_ fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for town— ship, and ten dollars for section lines, thirty thousand dollars. ` For surveying the public lands in Dakota Territory, at rates not ex- D nkcta. Tanieeeding twelve dollars per linear mile for standard lines, nine dollars for *0*1*- township, and eight dollars for section lines, fifty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Montana Territory, at rates not M,,,,,,,,,,, T,,,,,, exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars tory. for township, and ,ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Nebraska, at rates not exceeding Nobrun fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, seventy-tive thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Colorado Territory, at rates not Colorado Terriexceecling fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars WS- · for township, and ten dollars for section lines, and for heavily-timbered lands at augmented rates not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, sixty thousand dollars. _ For snrveyingthe public lands in Idaho Territory, at rates not exceed- Idaho Territory. ing fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township and ten dollars for section lines, and for heavily-timbered lands at augmented rates not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile tor standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, thirty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in New Mexico Territory, atrates not _New Mexico Tercxceeding fllteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dol- ¤*°*‘Y· lars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollzlrs. For surveying the public lands in Arizona Terxitory, at rates not Ar;,,,,,,, q—6,m,,,-y_ exceeding lifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Galiiornia, at rates not exceedingq,,;i,·,,,,,i,_ fifteen dollar per linear mile for standard lines, fourteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines, and for heavilytimbered mouutainlands at augmented rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, seventy thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Oregon, at rates not exceeding ilf— Oregon. teen dollars per linear mile lor standard lines, fourteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines, and for heavily-timbered lands lying west of the Cascade Mountains, at augmented rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, seventy- thou and dollars. For surveying the public lands in Washington Terftory, at rates not _W¤¤hi¤gt¤¤ Terexceeding iifceen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, fourteen dol- “*°'Y· . lars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines, and for heavily- ' timbered lands lying in the mountains, at augmented rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars.