FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1875. 387 For the immediate relief of the suffering poor of the District of Pwr of DJ?. Columbia, to be distributed by the commissioners of the said District, ten thousand dollars. For the National Association for the relief of the Colored Women and _Na·¤i¤¤¤| Asso- Children of the District of Columbia, ten thousand dollars. €g,2Q;‘d‘”°f,`} smirnsonmn xnsrirurion. ““d C”"d’°“‘ For preservation of the collections of the surveying and exploring C¤ll<;¤ti<>¤¤ of expeditions of the Government, twenty thousand dollars. ‘;'£m‘:,’§‘ tions. For fitting up new halls required for the Government collections, ten Fi*¤¤i¤g UP MW uwusnnu dollarsl MM To complete the heating-apparatus of the National Museum, two Heating-appara— ” thousand and five hundred dollars. tusofNationalMu- B6!}!!]. WAR DEPARTMENT. Aimoitms Arm ARSENALS. For Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois: Rock Island. For shop A: For a wood-working and gun-carriage shop for arsenal, Shop A. one hundred and seventy-eight thousand dollais. For shop F: For a rolling-mill and for forging-shop for the armory, Shop F, seventy-five thousand dollars; and one hundred thousand dollars of said appropriation for shops A and F, shall be available immediately. For furnishing power to the shops already built, eighteen thousand Furnishing powfive hundred dollars. OF to ¤l¤0P¤· For Rock Island bridge: For care and preservation of the bridge, Rock Island 'thirteen thousand dollars; and this sum and the appropriation for said l¤i<ls<¤· bridge for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and 187,, Q_ ,,55 am seventy-five, shall be expended in accordance with the joint resolution 221. ’ ’ ’ in relation to the Rock Island bridge, approved July twentieth, eighteen ,}*368, Rss- 60. ifhundred and sixty-eight, and the contract between the United States 1°·l’·""8· and the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company; and the Secretary of War shall, within six months from the passage of this act, notify said railroad company to remove, from said island and from Rcmovalofpiers, the Mississippi River, all piers, abutments, embankments, erections, ¤l>¤tm<>¤t¤. &c.,<>f structures, or tracks connected in any way with the old bridge or tracks °m *"‘°’8°» &°· of said railroad-company over or across said island or either branch of said river; and in case of refusal of said railroad-company to comply with such notice for the period of six months, then it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General of the United States to commence, or cause to be commenced, such legal proceedings against said railroad-company as Sui, ,,0 b,, b,.,,,,gh,,_ may be necessary to protect and enforce the rights of the United States in that behalf: Provided, however, The Secretary of War may permit Provisn. the north pier of the old bridge to remain, in accordance with the joint resolution of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventythree. For sewers, building new roads, care and preservation of water-power, sewers, r o nds, painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings and bridges, Gwbuilding fences and grading grounds, and repairs and extension of the railroad, fifteen thousand dollars. For new machinery and shop-fixtures for shops, ten thousand dollars. Imughiinery an :1 s io - x ures. For Springiield armory, Springiield, Massachusetts: For repairs and Springfield un prefervation of grounds, buildings, and machinery, twenty thousand mm'- o ars. For Benicia arsenal, California: For one carpenters shop, thirty-five Beneeia arsenal. thousand dollars. _ For continuing the boring of artesian well, or, if artesian water is Artcsinu well. . procured, for putting down permanent iron pipe and turbinewheel to force water to reservoir, five thousand six hundred and sixty-five dollars,