FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 130. 1875. 391 Oregon and Washingtoii in the suppression of Indian hostilities therein in eighteen hundred and hfty-five and eighteen hundred and fifty-six", the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. For completing south wing of the State, War, and Navy Depart- Sym, wm, and ments, under the direction of the Secretary of State, nfty thousand NavyDepartments. dollars; and for continuing work on the east wing of the building for the State, Wa1·, and Navy Departments,.seven hundred thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. To enable the Secretary of War to pay George W. Seibert for grading George W. Seistreets and side-walks in front of the United States arsenal grounds in b°***· the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, six hundred and fiftyeight dollars; and to pay Michael Faust°for grading and gravellin g the same, and in Mich,,,,, Faust_ the vicinity thereto, one thousand and fourteen dollars and ninety-nine cents. For the completion. of the military road from the city of Santa Fe to Military road Ferdinandez de Taos, in the Territory of New Mexico, six thousand, six f{¤¤¤_ Sevw F6 t<> hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty cents, in addition to the unex- .{.°“““““d°” d° pended balance of the appropriation made by the act of March third, a2;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eighteen hundred and seventytliree, which is hereby continued and continued. ’ pade available, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of P ligptv-3!2.·V· 17. , ar. · · The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are Y`¤¤‘*¤¤ i¤ T<>¤¤¤· hereby appropriated for the purchase of the following sites for forts in the State of Texas, in accordance with the resolutions and recommendations of the board of officers appointed under act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy~three, entitled "A11 act to provide for the 1873, c. 296, v. 17, purchase, by the Secretary of War, of land for the United States for the P- 614- sites of forts and military posts :" Fort Brown, twenty-nve thousand FortBrowm dollars; Fort Duncan, ten thousand dollars; Ringgold Barracks, ten $9** D*{¤°¤¤· thousand dollars: Provided, That before the payment of the money mc,Q;‘gg° d B “' hereby appropriated, good titles shall he made to the United States for pr.{v;S,,_ such land as contemplated by said act and said report; and no more than the amount appropriated shall be paid for such sites. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to accept for the United States, and free of expense to the same, a conveyance of the site of Fort McIntosh. Fort McIntosh. And the Congressional Printer is hereby authorized to print and bind ' five thousand additional copies of the Medical and Surgical History of Medical ood sorthe War of the Rebellion; one thousand of which shall be for the use sive! History Of ’of the Senate, three thousand for the use of the House of Represent §1;‘f,1lg;’” °f the R°‘ , atives, and one thousand for distribution by the Surgeon General of the ' Army; and the Surgeon General is hereby authorized to continue on duty in his office the Acting Assistant surgeons now employed on said history until the ond of the next fiscal year. For the construction of a pedestal for an equestrian statue, to be fur- P <> d 9 s t al for nished by the association hereinafter named, of Major General James B. °;1“$;’°"°“, 3°**“° McPherson, who was killed at the battle of Atlanta, twenty-five thou- §_Mc'}E'f;:mn_“m°“ sand dollars: Provided, That the design of said pedestal shall be ap- proviso_ proved by the Secretaryof War, the officer in charge of public buildings Design ,0 be aP_ and grounds, and the corresponding secretary of the Society of the Army proved, of the Tennessee, or a majority of them: And provided also, That it p,.,,,;;,°_ shall be erected in Scott Square in the city of Washington, on or near To bg emma in its centre, the ground of which shall be adapted to such erection by the Scott Square, &»o. discontinuance of the carriage way connecting `7'ermont avenue now running through said square, and said square shall be hereafter known as McPherson Square.- To enable the Secretary of War to,acquire a full and perfect title to Brady collection the “Brady collection of photographs of the war," and to secure by pur- or photographs or chase the remainder now in the possession°of the artist, twentyefive **1** W"- thousand dollars. ·